
Secret World Legends prepares for Monday’s Steam launch

How many do-overs does Secret World Legends get? At least one more, as the rebooted horror MMO is anticipating its Steam launch on Monday after...

The Stream Team: Beginning Secret World Legend’s Blue Mountain

Bring on Blue Mountain! After wrapping everything up in Savage Coast, Massively OP's MJ is eager to move on to adventures in Secret World...

Perfect Ten: Observations on Secret World Legends’ relaunch

Everyone has those sacred video game cows that are dearly special to them, carry personal meaning, and trigger fear and anxiety when messed with....
We're good! It's fine. It's all fine.

Secret World Legends patch 2.0.3 changes auctions and dungeon requirements, adds a new lockbox

Good news for players of Secret World Legends eager to play the market: The newest patch contains a couple of big changes to auction...

Secret World Legends begins posting weekly news roundups, says GM team has grown by half

Without official forums for Secret World Legends, the team is apparently utilizing Reddit as an acceptable substitute. It's here that any fan of this...

One Shots: Hail to the victor!

Have you ever been able to capture a truly victorious moment in your MMORPG journeys? Rees Racer did, and he is not above showing...

The Stream Team: Going back to school at Secret World Legends’ Innsmouth Academy

Two of the most awesome characters in Secret World Legends are at the Innsmouth Academy in the Savage Coast: Hayden Montag and Carter. Montag...

Chaos Theory: Are levels good for Secret World Legends?

We'd heard about (and stressed over!) various Secret World Legends changes for a while, but you just can't know how those changes will affect...

The Daily Grind: How death-prone are you in MMOs?

Do you find yourself faceplanting a lot in MMOs? Do you measure your lifespan during a boss fight in mere seconds? Or are you...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO IP should Disney themeparkify next?

Following Disney's announcement of the Star Wars Hotel in the Galaxy’s Edge Disney subpark this weekend, my MMO guildies were joking about using the location...

Secret World Legends: ‘We plan to continue producing new story content for years to come’

In a combination of review and interview, Gamasutra's Katherine Cross took a new look at Secret World Legends to see what had changed with the...

Global Chat: Learning from Master X Master

We've certainly remarked several times on Massively OP how much like an MMO Master X Master is, even though it firmly checks the "MOBA"...

The Stream Team: Spooky and scaly stuff in Secret World Legend’s Savage Coast

Now that Massively OP's MJ finished exploring every nook and cranny of Kingsmouth in Secret World Legends, it's time for her to move on...
Hey, meet my guy.

Secret World Legends update continues the main story

Boy, the Secret World Legends story is just clocking right along, isn't it? The game's latest update continues past the end of the "Mortal...

Secret World Legends may be punishing groups for farming XP

Here's your public service announcement for Secret World Legends: You may want to avoid grouping up to farm mobs and XP on the map,...

The Daily Grind: What MMORPG would do better with a different business model?

When it comes to ArcheAge, it's generally accepted that this is a pretty great fantasy sandbox that was absolutely sunk by a terrible business...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 126: Firefall gets extinguished

Justin and Bree discuss Firefall's sunset, WoW's datamining, Wild West Online, Secret World Legends, Tibia, and Warframe, plus a mailbag question on how MMOs could ditch pure DPS roles.

One Shots: R.I.P. Firefall

Do not go gentle into that good night forever, Old MMOs should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the...

Secret World Legends posts roadmap for the next year

Funcom is making good on its promise to post a development roadmap for Secret World Legends, as it just put up the schedule of...

The Stream Team: Completing Kingsmouth in Secret World Legends

It's been many years since Massively OP's MJ has thoroughly experienced Secret World's Kingsmouth, and she's been really enjoying this revist. There have been...