
Wow, it's been a really long time since I had a critter picture.

WRUP: Throw hams at hyenas edition

Folks, do you find yourself with too much ham in your house? If not, go buy some ham, then throw it at some vicious...

Massively OP Podcast: Episode 11

Justin, Bree, and guest John discuss Anarchy Online, Star Wars Galaxies, Guild Wars 2's Heart of Thorns, Neverwinter, Meridian 59, Ultima Online, classic Guild Wars, WildStar, Elder Scrolls Online, and Elite: Dangerous, with mailbag questions on making your own MMO.

Sword and Bored: Behind the scenes

Mo is offscreen for a week, but we get a chance to see just what the NPCs are up to behind the scenes.
So it goes.

WRUP: What ever happened with that button thing edition

Does anyone remember this? This was a thing that happened. I wrote a news post about it. A thing was done with a button,...
My life is not fun.

Perfect Ten: The 10 things every MMO’s official site should have

Are you ready to have you mind absolutely blown open? Because I have an astonishing truth to lay at your feet: While doing this...

Sword and Bored: Loot table

Mo becomes discouraged when he finds his recent loot acquisition unsuitable for his class.
I was made into a fan!

WRUP: Yes, there was a new Star Wars trailer edition

If you managed to avoid all contact with the internet this week, you might have missed that the next Star Wars film got a...
Masters without blasters.

Guild Wars 2 explains the philosophy of Masteries

Players are not getting a level cap bump with Heart of Thorns; the apex of power in Guild Wars 2 will remain Level 80....

How Daybreak thwarts H1Z1 cheaters

Getting screwed over by other players cheating in H1Z1 isn't a fun feeling, even though the game is still in early testing and has...

Massively OP Podcast: Episode 10

Justin, Bree, and guests Ben and Tyler discuss WoW tokens, DCUO, Neverwinter's Minsc & Boo patch, Guild Wars 2, Elder Scrolls Online, Wurm Online, and WildStar.

Sword and Bored: Encumbrance

Mo discovers that cognitive dissonance is required to make sense of MMO encumbrance systems.
Mind if I axe you a question?

WRUP: Hourly content update edition

Over the past few years, we've seen developers fall more and more in love with the idea of making faster and smaller updates to...

Massively OP Podcast: Episode 9

Justin and Bree discuss April Fools' Day, Neverwinter on Xbone, EverQuest II, SWG's NGE, Trove, Star Trek Online, WildStar, and RIFT, with mailbag questions on Guild Wars 2 leveling and the VR trend.

Sword and Bored: 10 rats

Mo undertakes his first kill-ten-rats quest and boggles at the array of loot those tiny rats possess.
We were the kings and queens of promise, we were the victims of ourselves. Maybe the children of a lesser god between Heaven and Hell.

WRUP: Twilight over Eorzea edition

It's hard to make a storyline that leads perfectly into an expansion. There's always more that could be done, the challenge of making something...

10 ways MMOs have changed the real world for the better

Are MMOs pointless time-wasters, the bread and circuses of the modern era, or do they make positive, meaningful contributions to the real world? Well,...

Trove’s Fish ‘N’ Ships update is live

Fish and chips is a dish of English origin consisting of battered fish and french fries, preferably served with tartar sauce for the fish...

Massively OP Podcast: Episode 8

Justin and Bree discuss Crowfall, Skyforge, LOTRO, Dungeon Fighter Online, Pillars of Eternity, EverQuest's progression server, and wardrobe systems in WildStar, RIFT, and SWTOR, with mailbag questions on the MMORTS genre and how F2P cheapens gameplay.

Sword and Bored: Poof! Poof! Poof! Poof!

Realizing that open PvP servers are wretched hives of scum and villainy, Mo decides to reroll.
You look very cold, ma'am.

The Daily Grind: What stupid mistake do you keep making in an MMO?

In a lot of games, the E key defaults to use/interact/whatever. Get near a thing, press E, you do what you need to do....