Crazy news week leads to crazy talk on today’s podcast, as Justin and Bree talk about Elder Scrolls Online’s console launch, SWTOR’s expansion reveal, the return of flying to World of Warcraft, and more!
Join us on the podcast as we talk about what we’ve been playing in MMOs, the top news stories from the past week, and topics that listeners have submitted!
Show notes:
- Adventures in MMOs: Marvel Heroes, WildStar
- News: Elder Scrolls Online has a rough console launch
- News: Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire announced
- News: World of Warcraft brings back flying after all
- News: Cabal II coming July 2nd
- News: Starfighter, Das Tal fail to fund
- Mailbag: Unnecessary complexity in MMOs
- Mailbag: What could Turbine do with a new MMO?
Other info:
- Download Episode 18
- Podcast theme: “Wolf at the Gates” from World of Warcraft
- Your show hosts: Bree, Justin
- Listen to Massively OP Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Player FM, TuneIn, and Pocket Casts
- Follow Massively Overpowered: Website, Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, Twitch
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