hyperspace beacon

Hyperspace Beacon is a Star Wars: The Old Republic column by Larry Everett. [Follow this column’s RSS feed]

Hyperspace Beacon: Seven things you didn’t know about SWTOR’s SCORPIO

Knights of the Fallen Empire has truly changed the storytelling ways of Star Wars: The Old Republic. And even though it’s popular to flame the game...

Hyperspace Beacon: Going to war with SWTOR’s new Mandalore

Do I have to turn in my Star Wars fanboy card if I admit that I don’t like Mandalorians? It's not that I think...

Tamriel Infinium vs. Hyperspace Beacon: Elder Scrolls Online and SWTOR as storytelling giants

I think it’s all but obvious that Elder Scrolls Online and Star Wars: The Old Republic are enriched with lore. The Star Wars universe,...

Hyperspace Beacon: Four fantastic SWTOR YouTubers you should follow

With Star Wars: The Old Republic approaching its fifth anniversary, the players creating fresh content have shifted. Even the column you’re reading right now...

Hyperspace Beacon: Truly immersing yourself in Star Wars: The Old Republic

I have long been a proponent of roleplaying in MMOs. I’ve often been the roleplayer’s spokesperson on different podcasts and new media broadcasts. I’ve...

Hyperspace Beacon: Why SWTOR gamers are so stoked for the return of Vette

The first two chapters of Knights of the Fallen Empire after the break kind of left the Star Wars: The Old Republic fanbase feeling...

Hyperspace Beacon: Impressions of SWTOR’s Visions in the Dark for gamers still on the fence

After the last couple of lackluster chapters, I’ve lowered my expectations for the Star Wars: The Old Republic story. Not because I think that...

Hyperspace Beacon: Three things SWTOR’s Eternal Championship needs

Hello BioWare, It’s me again, your average Star Wars: The Old Republic fan. You remember when I complained about Chapter 10 of Knights of the...

Hyperspace Beacon: Dear SWTOR community, keep being passionately casual

Star Wars: The Old Republic community, I listen to your podcasts and read your sites nearly everyday, but I realized that it’s been almost eight...

Hyperspace Beacon: The importance of pacing in a SWTOR roleplay event

Last time I talked about roleplaying in spite of game mechanics, I didn’t really get a whole lot of comments. I don’t know whether...

Hyperspace Beacon: Should you resub for SWTOR: Disavowed?

Hello, friends. I hope you don’t mind my calling you that. I do respect my readers. Thankfully, most of you are rational and thoughtful....

Hyperspace Beacon: How to run a roleplay event in spite of SWTOR’s mechanics

I have mentioned before that my community and I roleplay in spite of the game mechanics of Star Wars: The Old Republic. It’s not...

Hyperspace Beacon: An open letter to the creators of the SWTOR Cartel Packs

Dear BioWare, First off, it might be unfair that I’m addressing this open letter to the whole staff of BioWare when I really should center...

Hyperspace Beacon: What SWTOR’s latest chapter, Anarchy in Paradise, is really about

If you think that SWTOR’s chapter 10 Anarchy in Paradise is about Kaliyo Djannis, you’re wrong. Kaliyo stars in the chapter, and she can...

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR Knights of the Fallen Empire Chapter 10 impressions

I can't lie: The fact that BioWare took nearly seven hours longer to launch the next chapter of Star Wars: The Old Republic than...

Hyperspace Beacon: How to approach SWTOR as a total newbie

My experience with World of Warcraft is minimal. I played the game for about a month just after The Burning Crusade launched. I have hopped...

Hyperspace Beacon: Is SWTOR losing its MMORPG cred?

One of the recurring gamer complaints about Star Wars: The Old Republic is that it's becoming less and less an MMORPG over time. With Knights of the...

Hyperspace Beacon: How to make a million credits in an hour of SWTOR

I can’t help but attempt to find some of the most efficient ways to make credits in Star Wars: The Old Republic. I have...

Hyperspace Beacon: A roleplayer’s SWTOR wishlist

The dawn of a new year is a great time for many people to hit a tiny reset button on life. I’m doing that personally....

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR predictions for 2016

“Difficult to see. Always in motion the future is,” Yoda explained to Luke Skywalker on Dagobah when the boy had a vision of his...