
Perfect Ten: MMOs that were ahead of their time

Timing is, as they say, everything. A good idea presented at the wrong time (and perhaps in the wrong way) might fizzle hard when...
Jazzy handy

Free Realms Sunrise rogue server readies beta, adds housing

For those missing Sony Online Entertainment's long-departed Free Realms, the only hope they've had has rested in the hands of a volunteer dev team...

Wizard 101 announces the arrival of a test realm and new pet features that will be up for testing

The arrival of a test realm very often seems to be a development that's met with a lot of praise from players, so fans...

Massively on the Go: How Pokemon Go is improving without all the ‘go’

We've briefly covered some of Pokemon Go's new changes in light of recent non-fun viral events, and in today's Massively on the Go, I want...

Guild Wars 2’s Super Adventure Box is coming mid-April, not next week, and there’s no new World

I've joked a few times this week about how badly my kids want to play Super Adventure Box in Guild Wars 2, and I...

Guild Wars 2 explores player variety and choices in Visions of the Past: Steel and Fire

Not gonna lie, my kids have been begging me for Super Adventure Box all week, and everytime ArenaNet tweets something on the Guild Wars...

Ship of Heroes just announced a ‘surprise beta’ for everyone during the pandemic

So here's a fun Friday surprise: Ship of Heroes boss Casey McGeever asked fans what the team - all working from home - could...

Massively Overthinking: What MMO topics have you changed your mind on over the years?

On last week's Massively OP Podcast, Justin and I took a stab at answering a fun question from MOP reader and listener Pieter about...

More and more MMOs are offering sales and events during the coronavirus pandemic

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread, MMOs and other MMO-adjacent games and studios continue to react, bringing their staffs home and offering bonuses...

Daybreak, Cryptic, City State, Frontier, and more MMO studios affected by worldwide pandemic shutdowns

As the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to make itself felt, we've got another quick roundup of news relevant to MMO players. First, we've...

The MOP Up: Dark Age of Camelot widens its F2P doorway

St. Patty's day is alive and kicking in Dark Age of Camelot through next Wednesday, but the big news here is that Broadsword is...
Haha whoops.

Coronavirus roundup: Blizzard, free APB Reloaded, EA esports, HPWU, and how your PC can help humans win

Feel pretty surreal to be reporting on a global crisis like the coronavirus in our indie pages here on MOP, but it affects everyone...

Coronavirus roundup: EGX Rezzed, Pokemon Go, and using MMOs to learn from home

We're capping off an odd week of coverage here in our little corner of the online gaming world, as even those of us who've...

Roblox gets timey-wimey with Doctor Who cross-promo

I'm not actually sure how much overlap between the audiences of Roblox and Doctor Who fandom there really is, but maybe that's the point...

The Daily Grind: What’s the best type of MMO class for hiding scrubs?

Last week, the MOP staff were idly chatting about the early days of MMO, when one of us (who shall remain nameless!) mentioned being...

For Science: Academics blast APA’s updated resolution on games and aggression

My Twitter feed was on fire about three things today: politics, coronavirus, and violence in video games. The last entry there is all because...

The Daily Grind: What one thing in an MMO do you wish devs would delete instead of fix?

The house I live in borders a park on the back, which means I can look out my kitchen window and see a zillion...

Massively Overthinking: What one piece of knowledge would you like to impart to new MMO gamers?

A while back, I was reading on a non-MMO subreddit some comments from some younger people that made my head spin: They were informing...

Roblox is worth $4 billion now, clocks over 115 million monthly users

Hey, you know what's worth $4 billion these days? It's not your Magic: The Gathering collection, that's for sure. No, it happens to be...
Half man. Half beard. Another half beard.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 260: New World needs new ideas

Justin and Bree discuss Project Nova, Final Fantasy XIV, PAX East and the coronavirus, WoW subs, New World, and Daybreak, with mailbag topics on positive MMO stories, rogue servers, binge listening, and sandboxes.