league of legends

Official Site: League of Legends
Studio: Riot Games
Launch Date: October 27, 2009
Genre: MOBA
Business Model: F2P (Cash Shop)
Platform: PC, Mac

The Stream Team: MOBA madness

It's Thursday night, which means it's too early to start partying but too late to start caring about work. Instead, join MassivelyOP's Mike Foster...

Not So Massively: Star Citizen offers rental gear, Diablo III player hits level 1000, and Dota 2’s Year Beast controversy

Welcome to Not So Massively, Massively Overpowered's weekly roundup of all the news from the world of MOBAs, lobby-based games, and other online multiplayer games...

MOBAs dominate Raptr’s January rankings as WoW playtime falls

According to a Raptr press release posted today, MOBA League of Legends dominated the service's January rankings with just under 20% of total playtime...

The Soapbox: Facing an industry of change

Right now I believe that we are on a threshold of change in the MMO industry, and it feels a little uncertain and a...