marvel heroes

Official Site: Marvel Heroes
Studio: Gazillion Entertainment
Launch Date: June 4, 2013
Sunset Date: November 27, 2017
Genre: Superhero MMOARPG
Business Model: F2P (Cash Shop)
Platform: PC

Marvel Heroes lays out PC plans for 2017

Feeling a little neglected, Marvel Heroes PC players? Grumpy that Omega's getting all of mom and dad's attention? Gazillion has heard your grumbling, which...

Enter to win a Marvel Heroes Omega founder pack with beta access from Gazillion and MOP

If you were curious about the Marvel Heroes Omega edition out on PlayStation 4 but didn't want to shell out for a founder pack...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 114: Moving to the big city

Justin and Bree discuss LOTRO, Guild Wars 2, WoW, Ashes of Creation, Carbine, Marvel Heroes, and Project Gorgon, with mailbag questions on the joys of Trove and the plight of MMO pets.
The wind will come out tomorrow.

Betawatch: The Elder Scrolls Online heads off to Morrowind (April 21, 2017)

Good news, The Elder Scrolls Online fans: Morrowind is now in beta testing! It's in closed beta, so you probably don't get to take...

Marvel Heroes Omega’s closed beta begins for PS4 founder pack buyers

The closed beta for Marvel Heroes Omega is now live in the US for PlayStation 4 owners, Gazillion announced just a bit ago. A...

Massively Overthinking: Disassembling MMORPGs for parts

This week's Massively Overthinking comes to us from Xijit -- and I think you'll agree it's quite timely. "In light of The Secret World getting reworked into...

Marvel Heroes’ console version will include local co-op, beta begins Friday

Add this to the list of cool stuff for console that PC players are unlikely to see: Marvel Heroes Omega is getting a local...

The Stream Team: Diving into Marvel Heroes’ Dimensions Collide terminal

Massively OP's MJ is taking a break from Marvel Heroes' Midtown madness (sacrilege, we know) in order to dive into the new Dimensions Collide...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 112: Heroic measures

Justin and Bree discuss Marvel Heroes, Ship of Heroes, SWTOR, Secret World Legends, Black Desert, EVE Fanfest, LOTRO, WoW, and GW2, with reader mail on MMO dress-up and City of Heroes successors.

Marvel Heroes gives players a pep talk over the console announcement

Still feeling all tingly over the recent Marvel Heroes console announcement? It seems like a good fit for the action MMO, even if the...

Marvel Heroes is coming to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One as Marvel Heroes Omega

Remember all those rumors about Marvel Heroes maybe someday coming to console, right down to a screenshot of a possible console UI? It's happening!...
So we're just going to make the joke, yes.

Marvel Heroes adds Nick Fury to the cast and offers Medusa as a team-up option

The 62nd playable hero has been added to the Marvel Heroes roster, and he is tired of these mother- snakes on this mother- plane....

Marvel Heroes quietly dishes out compensation for December whoopsie

This one is going to take a little explaining. Apparently, last December someone made a mistake on Gazillion's side where Marvel Heroes players ended...

St Paddy’s Day MMORPG deals and events roundup

Happy St Patrick's Day, everyone! This particular holiday isn't the best for sales, for dumb jokes, or for deep events, but the MMORPG genre...

The Stream Team: A look at Logan in Marvel Heroes

Considering that Wolverine is one of her all-time favorite Marvel characters Massively OP's MJ was surprised to realize she hadn't played him yet in...

Marvel Heroes takes servers offline for database fix

Hope you didn't loot anything extra special yesterday in Marvel Heroes because there's a chance that you may have lost it. Apparently there were some server-side...

Marvel Heroes changes infinity system to be more flexible

Round robin dispersal is out -- and gem mastery is in. Thus sayeth Gazillion in response to player feedback over Marvel Heroes' revised infinity system....

The Stream Team: Be Black Bolt with a free Marvel Heroes code

Massively OP's MJ can't help it -- she just can't resist checking out the new heroes that arrive in Marvel Heroes. And this one...

Marvel Heroes has totally overhauled summoners

As part of Marvel Heroes' Black Bolt patch last night, Gazillion made a number of major changes to the summoner characters. Previously, Gaz says,...

Black Bolt leaps into Marvel Heroes

Maybe you missed it, but Marvel is no longer going to be making an Inhumans movie. Instead, it's decided to adapt the comic series...