Participation metrics suggest World of Warcraft’s Mythic+ dungeon runs are at an ‘all-time low’
If you've been finding it harder to form a Mythic+ dungeon group in World of Warcraft: The War Within, it would appear that it's...
Call of Duty shares results of an experiment that quietly changed player matchmaking
If you happened to be playing a few matches of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III and found your matches to be a little...
Vague Patch Notes: Queues do not tell the story of an MMO’s success
It's time to talk about queues to log in to a game, and you know what game we have to talk about in this...
The Daily Grind: Which MMO do you wish were more transparent about its metrics?
Numbers numbers numbers: I wish we could have more. No, let me amend that. I wish we had fewer numerical representations inside MMOs. I'd much...
World of Warcraft gamers move 21B gold through the player economy every day
IT-centric Splunk's .conf is not generally an event we cover here on MOP, but the .conf20 edition held back in October had a presentation of...
The Daily Grind: Should MMO studios be more transparent about population stats?
Some of our staff were idly chatting about Wargaming's playerbase this week when MOP's Ben chimed in with a link to the official World...
City of Heroes Homecoming players have rolled almost a million toons to date
I've always said that if I could do one thing in video games - you know, besides what I already love and do -...
Steam plans game library and events revamp as Discord begins monetizing ‘insights’ for game devs
The battle for your game dollars and storefront participation is on, and we're not sad to see the competition heating up, finally.
At GDC this...
Hey Alexa, where’s Blind Mary? Activision and Amazon put game advice on personal assistants
Among hardcore MMORPG players, particularly vets of a certain age, there's a longstanding grudge against the shift toward being able to look up every...
EVE Fanfest 2018: CCP Games has big plans for data collection and machine learning
Every day in the sandbox of New Eden, several hundred thousand EVE Online players perform millions of unseen actions. Every item manufactured, module activated,...
The Daily Grind: How important are MMORPG playerbase metrics to you?
While playing Overwatch with guildies the other night, my husband turned to me with a hypothetical. The guys were speculating on World of Warcraft's...
The Daily Grind: Should MMOs provide in-game player performance metrics?
Today's question is inspired by a question sent into us ages ago by reader Camelotcrusade, and it centers on damage meters and their ilk.
New research illuminates our gaming motivations
If you've ever thought that the Bartle test was a bit outdated, game analytics consulting firm Quantic Foundry has a new gamer psych chart for you....
The Daily Grind: Why is quashing MMO cheating so damn hard?
Massively OP Kickstarter donor Daveha is not amused with an MMO industry that seems content to let cheaters get away with their nefarious deeds....
Player analyst believes EVE Online concurrency is at its lowest point since 2008
It's really difficult to be sure about how EVE Online is doing, since CCP Games has stopped releasing subscription numbers on a regular basis....