
Nexus Telegraph: Righting the S.S. WildStar

This past week I got the opportunity to ask a few questions about WildStar's new "stat refactoring" patch that's coming this fall. There were...

Chaos Theory: A whole summer of The Secret World’s player-run events

What's up in The Secret World? I'm glad you asked! If you're one of those folks who are not-quite-so-patiently awaiting the launch of the...

Be a ‘superstar’ in Music Man Online’s open beta test

"What's up, superstars!" Obviously, that's directed at you, not us. And as a superstar, you'll no doubt be interested in participating in Music Man Online's...

LotRO’s Weatherstock and summer festival return this week

Lord of the Rings Online fans are in for a busy weekend. Turbine has dusted off the game's summer festival, which is ongoing through...

Aion Europe is planning a summer event series

Looking for something to do in Aion? Gameforge recently posted plans for its summer event series. It starts tomorrow with the Legendary Symphony, which...

Behind the scenes: The sights and sounds of World of Warships’ vessels

Immersion. That's not a word you often hear associated with lobby-based PvP games. But in the case of World of Warships, the third title...

Elite: Dangerous downgrades graphics, plans appearance at Lavecon

If you have been wondering if Elite: Dangerous looks a little less gorgeous as it did before, trust us, it's not just you. After players...
Oh, wait, this is a different LA.

Flameseeker Chronicles: Exploring Guild Wars 2’s new Lion’s Arch

Good morn-noon-ning (hell, I don't know what timezone you're in!) readers, and welcome along to another instalment of Flameseeker Chronicles! Be warned: This edition will...

Chaos Theory: ‘Never say never’ for The Secret World housing

I have to admit, so many dreams were shot down this past week when the news came out suggesting that personal housing would never make...

Trove on graduating Beta University and heading into the real world

The stages of pre-launch development always conjure some measure of protection for a fledgling video game. It may be rough, but that's OK, it's...

Massively Overthinking: Random encounters in MMORPGs

This week's Massively Overthinking question comes to us from Kickstarter donor TheChiHawk, and it's coming from an unusually not-so-massive corner of gamesdom for us: Are...

Final Fantasy XIV puts on a mind-blowing symphony with 143 laptops

What would you do if someone gave you 143 laptops, an MMO, and an automatic piano? How much trouble could you get into? Square-Enix provided...

Gloria Victis inviteth thee to dump burning oil on the heads of thine enemies

I can't imagine anything more disheartening than going over to a friend's house, knocking on his door, and being coated by burning pitch as...

Massively Overthinking: The value of MMO voice chat

This week's Massively Overthinking question was shot over to us from Kickstarter donor Celestial, and it's all about voice chat in MMOs. Do you use a...

Perfect Ten: MMO terms that have overstayed their welcome

My original plan for this week - during the few moments that I was capable of coherent speech rather than just babbling about the...

Jukebox Heroes: An exclusive journey through Aion’s Upheaval soundtrack

Aion is a game that's well-renowned for both its visual and audio beauty. Among my fellow MMO soundtrack enthusiasts, the title's many soundtracks stand out...

One Shots: Bagpipes in the woods

I can't say that I'm the biggest fan of bagpipe music, although I do harbor a certain fascination for any musical instrument that looks...

Nexus Telegraph: Five reasons I’m over the moon about WildStar’s free-to-play

So how about those anniversary gifts in WildStar, huh? A year ago I was tremendously excited that the early start to the game's launch...

The Daily Grind: What quest involving music have you liked?

Give me more variety in my quests, I always say. That is why I'm delighted when designers utilize elements such as, say, music in...

Leaderboard: Stock MMO soundtracks vs. custom playlists

I like music. I like MMOs. I like MMO music, and really most game music in general. I don't always listen to an MMO's...