
The Daily Grind: Which problems is the MMO industry never gonna solve?

Earlier in June, Wilhelm of The Ancient Gaming Noob posted a provocative article about the three problems MMORPGs are never going to solve. Fighting...

The Daily Grind: Do you care whether MMORPGs have seasons and diurnal cycles?

In a recent One Shots, MOP's Justin asked readers to offer up their screenshots of MMOs with diurnal cycles - that is, games with...

The Daily Grind: What does Destiny 2 still need before you’ll call it an MMO?

With Destiny 2 back in the news thanks to its free-to-play relaunch, Stadia platforming, and new expansion, online gamers have once again returned to...

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG offers the best systems for helping newbies?

A while back I saw a deeply underrated post on the MMORPG subreddit about mentoring systems. I don't mean the kind of systems like...

The Daily Grind: Do you have a technique for coming up with MMO character names?

My husband doesn't really take MMO names too seriously. The pigtailed City of Heroes toon floating in the image up above? Yeah, her name...

The Daily Grind: What’s been the biggest change to the MMORPG genre in the last 20 years?

A while back, there was a thread on Reddit from a younger MMO player who was curious about changes to the way players perceived...
Yes, this is one of the few cases wherein EA kinda gets to be the good guys.

The Daily Grind: Is the future of online games dev really ‘conversation mode’ rather than ‘presentation mode’?

Last month, PC Gamer ran a piece about Anthem and EA focusing on EA's belief that the way the industry goes about releasing games...

The Daily Grind: How likely are you to abandon and reroll your MMORPG characters?

With City of Heroes back in my MMO rotation thanks to the multiple rogue servers floating around right now, I've been back in full...

The Daily Grind: Do you let an MMO’s worst community elements determine your server selection?

Last week, on the heels of WoW Classic's latest stress test, I saw several discussions online about popular streamers and the game: Apparently, these...

The Daily Grind: Which sunsetted MMO had the most wasted potential?

Since Bossa's announcement that it's sunsetting Worlds Adrift this summer without even even launching out of early access, there's been an odd reaction across...

The Daily Grind: Is the esports bubble about to burst?

Last week, Kotaku put up a compelling piece about the online gaming industry's obsession with esports - specifically, how the esports bubble is about...

The Daily Grind: What made you leave the last MMO you quit?

The last few years, I think I've had a healthier relationship with MMOs, chiefly because I've pressured myself less into playing things I knew...

The Daily Grind: What’s the best MMORPG for obsessive completionists?

I have been a lot of things in MMORPGs over the years. Raider. Roleplayer. Cat-herder. Merchant. Even killer. But one thing I've never really...

The Daily Grind: What MMO had the most disappointing ending?

I can't help it: I've had Game of Thrones on my mind the last week. As someone who discovered the books as a kid,...

The Daily Grind: Do you think MMO worlds are too bloated and big?

A couple of months ago, I saw an interesting topic on Reddit that deserved more love than it got. User RuccFeddit (<3) posted what...

The Daily Grind: Do you think WoW Classic is destined for greatness or utterly doomed?

Since the formal announcement this week that WoW Classic is launching in August, I've seen multiple mainstream games journos opine that, well, you think...

The Daily Grind: Do you still want a Game of Thrones MMORPG?

I'm sure that at some point in the last 4200 or so Daily Grinds we've done on Massively OP and Massively-that-was over these many...

The Daily Grind: Are you concerned about the future of Amazon’s New World?

When Amazon Game Studios announced last week that it was taking New World's always-on alpha offline "to design major new features" that are "large...

The Daily Grind: Are we watching the AAA video game market burst?

About four years ago, I wrote one of the pieces I'm still most proud of: It essentially argued that the MMO industry was suffering...

The Daily Grind: Do you actually feel as if you’re part of your fave MMO’s community?

Last month, when news of the City of Heroes mess hit, the Massively OP writers and readers had multiple discussions about community - you...