news items


Master x Master announces closed beta, adds City of Heroes’ Statesman

Today's good news for Master x Master fans is that the game has a closed beta coming up. The next test will be between...

Skyforge explains tweaks to the Cathedral and the Tower of Knowledge

There are few feelings as negative as being unable to catch up. That's been a major problem with Skyforge's Tower of Knowledge for a...
we still don't know when we're tessssssting

Master x Master introduces Koom and Vonak

Eager to know when everyone gets to play Master x Master? We can't tell you that, on account of not actually knowing. Still, the...
The path was found after all.

Pathfinder Online has a roadmap forward and a plan for completion

If you'd lost hope in Pathfinder Online ever making any forward motion again, you should be happy to see that there's a new letter...
Oh dear.

World of Warcraft plans to add unobtainable transmog appearances in the future

Items are a big part of playing World of Warcraft. Sure, dropping ancient elves and demons and dragons to 0 health is its own...
freely shoots

Eternal Crusade prepares for its free-to-play shift

It is important to note that the official Eternal Crusade line is that the upcoming free-to-play option is not a full conversion to free-to-play,...
Punch punch punch and nothing changes.

World of Warcraft previews the Broken Shore experience for patch 7.2

The Broken Shore in World of Warcraft is no one's idea of a vacation hangout. For one thing, it's covered in demons; for another,...
Dwarf fight begin.

The Elder Scrolls Online deep-dives Morrowind’s Ald Carac battleground

The launch of the Morrowind expansion will bring three separate battleground maps to The Elder Scrolls Online, and while all three feature the same...

Hi-Rez puts SMITE Rivals development ‘on hold’

Bad news for those who were looking forward to another SMITE spinoff game; it appears that the digital card game version of the game, SMITE...
It never ends.

Star Trek Online offers a broad overview of upcoming space combat balance changes

The space combat of Star Trek Online is pretty much the crown jewel of the game. It's intriguing, diverse, engaging, and pretty much everyone...
We won't be beating you up any longer.

Final Fantasy XIV discontinues 90-day subscription option for PS3 players on March 18

If you're playing Final Fantasy XIV on a PlayStation 3, your days are numbered. Support for the platform is being discontinued with the launch...
This is the chamber where the party will die.

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen has a brand-new wiki

If you've somehow missed it in every single discussion of Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen's design philosophy, the game is very much a throwback...
Oh, you wanted to use these things. Huh.

No Man’s Sky patches in a fix to allow faster movement on every planet

Last week, No Man's Sky patched in the option to build rovers for quickly traversing the landscape. That's just a good thing, right? After...
Whip it, whip it good.

Paragon celebrates a year of early access with a big patch

Has it really been a year since Paragon first went into early access? It certainly has according to the developers, and they would know....
oh no not again

BlizzCon 2017 to be held on November 3-4

There are three certainties in life: death, taxes, and another BlizzCon every year even if Blizzard has absolutely nothing new to announce. Then again,...
Breachy keen.

Star Trek Online urges players once more into the Breach on console

The Breach queue in Star Trek Online has been trimmed up nicely for console players, shortened to the most interesting portions of the queue...

PAX East 2017: Introducing Rend, a three-way survival sandbox from Frostkeep Studios

I don't really like survival games, typically -- I understand why a lot of people do like them, don't get me wrong, but I don't...

PAX East 2017: Citadel Studios on Shards Online’s switch to Legends of Aria

Big changes for MMOs frequently involve giving up almost as much as you gain. Not so with Legends of Aria, the not-actually-new title from...
New content rarely has videos.

PAX East 2017: Final Fantasy XIV’s Q&A panel

At the time of this writing, there's just over a hundred days until Stormblood launches, expanding the world of Final Fantasy XIV for the...
ahhhhh tentacles ahhhhh

PAX East 2017: Talking Conan Exiles on the show floor with Funcom

If you're a fan of Funcom and the games it makes, Conan Exiles probably has you breathing a bit easier than you have in a...