old school runescape
End-of-Year Eleven: The healthiest live MMOs going into 2021
It is only natural that, when you are shopping around for a different MMORPG to play, to consider the health of potential play candidates....
Old School RuneScape starts testing for its Steam release
While RuneScape is basking in the joy of being on Steam, Old School RuneScape hasn't made the jump yet. This is because, according to...
The MOP Up: Crossout drives onto an island
Here's a useful tip from Crossout: It's dangerous to drive your car in water! This comes from the game's newest "Clean Island" patch, which...
The MOP Up: Conan Exiles forms ‘strike team’ to attack Xbox One server instability
Life in Conan Exiles is by nature harsh, but Xbox One players have it worse than most thanks to a slew of issues that...
The MOP Up: League of Legends’ possible stolen identity
Have you ever had this happen: A new video game character is introduced in one of the world's most popular MOBA -- and it's...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 296: Feywild, Markarth, and multiboxing
Justin and Bree discuss Dungeons and Dragons Online, ESO Markarth, WoW multiboxing, Old School RuneScape, and Guild Wars 2 Truce, with mailbag topics on leadership influencing toxicity and a new generation of MMO minigames.
LOTRO Legendarium: How to make Lord of the Rings Online Classic work
Twice now this year we have heard from Standing Stone Games' Jeff Libby that, no, a hypothetical LOTRO Classic isn't in the works, nor...
Old School RuneScape breaks its concurrency record
Don't look now -- well, yes, look now -- but Old School RuneScape is greater than it's ever been. The 2007-era version of the...
Old School RuneScape’s Trailblazer League launches, complete with a battle rap video because why not
How do you hype up the launch of your latest content? PR? Sizzle reels? Memes posted on Twitter? If you're Old School RuneScape, you...
RuneScape officially arrives to Steam with achievements and unique goodies for subscribers
The time has come for Steam users to experience RuneScape for themselves. As of yesterday, the game has officially arrived to the platform in...
The MOP Up: Wakfu’s great server merge
Wakfu has finally set a date for its server merges. French servers are consolidating on October 14th, while international shards are coming together the...
Old School RuneScape breaks down the Trailblazer League in a video and adds the last Poll 72 updates
The time for the upcoming Trailblazer League in Old School RuneScape is almost nigh, so in order to get players prepared for it (and...
RuneScape and Old School RuneScape announce Steam launch as Jagex delays mobile
As many other games have proven, it never really seems to be too late to arrive to Steam, so consider that when learning that...
Old School RuneScape introduces more Poll 72 changes and tries to open the discussion on Revenant Caves
It's another week of updates for Old School RuneScape and another gaggle of included adjustments based on Poll 72's results. That all might sound...
The MOP Up: Elder Scrolls Online’s Stonethorn DLC arrives on consoles
Good news for the patient and long-suffering Elder Scrolls Online console players: The game's latest DLC and patch have finally arrived following the PC...
Old School RuneScape reworks the Costume Room in the latest update
Cosmetics are an important part of any MMORPG experience, and for players of Old School RuneScape, that experience is getting a bit more refined...
RuneScape and Old School RuneScape preview fall plans, discuss endgame content
It's a double dose of Jagex developer heads talking about game stuff! Two whole hours of conversational content! And craziest of all, it's absolutely...
RuneScape introduces the Alchemical Hydrix gem, OSRS seeks feedback for its Trailblazer League
The staff at MOP were very kind to leave me the duty of handling the Jagex bundle of news updates as a welcome back...
RuneScape takes its community award show online
Considering that RuneFest isn't going to happen this year, Jagex has been looking at other ways to celebrate RuneScape's community. To wit, the studio...
The MOP Up: Old School RuneScape’s trailblazer league
A brand-new game mode is coming to Old School RuneScape with special challenges and special rewards. It's called the Trailblazer League, and you are...