one shots

One Shots is a Massively Overpowered feature in which we highlight cool MMORPG screenshots from readers. You can send your screenshots into us at [Follow this feature’s RSS feed]

One Shots: What am I looking at right now?

Anyone can -- and probably will -- take a picture of the back of their character looking across some amazing vista. But sometimes it's...

One Shots: Surfing the world tree

When the day arrives when a magic bee flies into your mouth and turns you immortal and sends you down into the world tree...

One Shots: Looking down at the clouds

When Middle-earth slaps something called "Misty Mountains" on a map, friend, it better live up to that name! Michael18 proves with today's headlining shot...

Fallen Earth hosts a screenshot contest for chickens and crabs

It's heartening to see the Fallen Earth team continuing to pump life into the Classic community months after the server's re-launch. In fact, this...

One Shots: It’s thriller night!

There are no shortages of bizarre and arresting sights in Lost Ark, it seems. Zulika Mi-Nam  recorded this strange encounter with a whole host...

One Shots: Castle Redskull

As with all impossible architecture in MMOs, I pause at our first picture and imagine what feats of magical engineering it took to carve...

One Shots: My best buddy and me

One of the best parts of MMORPGs is when you make good friends while online. Of course, those are supposed to be human friends...

One Shots: Murder palaces are always so inviting

The Secret World was always good at creating spaces that you take one look at and go, "Nope! Not going to walk in there!...

One Shots: So far from the jungle right now

Jared the Tiger grew up in the lush jungles of Tyria -- up to the day that he stepped into that trapped and found...

One Shots: Stepping back from the brink

A little while ago, I read how some visitors to the Grand Canyon have actually fallen in and perished because they would get a...

One Shots: Please, please stand in the fire

While any seasoned MMORPG player may look at our first screenshot, courtesy of Utakata in Blade and Soul, and start developing sympathetic twitches, don't...

One Shots: Sunrise over snow

Just because the sun is up doesn't mean that the snow is going to melt. And we kind of hope not, too, because Elder...

One Shots: Dancers of the Lost Ark

Every new MMORPG is a tomb waiting to be raided, a dungeon ready for delvings, and a vault ready to be cracked. Adventurers far...

One Shots: Dutch angle knockout

Despite how movies and TV make it look, knocking someone clean out with a punch isn't actually that easy (although attempting it is a...

One Shots: It’s not easy being green

Kermit the Frog famously said that "it's not easy being green." But I think he was an ungrateful amphibian who didn't comprehend that his...

One Shots: Meanwhile, 200 feet below the surface of the earth…

Don't get overly attached to the thin surface of the earth; there are wonders galore waiting for you if you will only take that...

One Shots: Sailing into the port of 2022

Twenty Twenty-Two ho! As we sail into unexplored territories, Rees Racer is kicking off a new year of One Shots with a farewell to...

The 2021 One Shots Awards, celebrating your best MMO screenshots

Welcome the final One Shots column of 2021! As promised, this week we'll take the briefest of breaks from sharing recent submissions for the...

One Shots: Christmas is on fire, yo

'Twas the One Shots before Christmas, and all through Star Citizen people were throwing trees on the bonfire and making their arboreal relatives watch....

One Shots: The weather never cooperates with photography

Do you ever experience that frustrating feeling of knowing that your game is all sorts of beautiful -- yet it never cooperates when you...