online shooter

Cold Iron’s Craig Zinkievich on funding, the genre, and the MMO nature of the game

Earlier this month, we got a curious press release from a new gaming studio called Cold Iron. I might have skipped over it but...

Grab a Heavy Gear Assault early access key from Stompy Bot and MOP

Stompy Bot's mecha shooter Heavy Gear Assault was meant to hit early access on Steam this week, but Valve has yet to usher it...

World of Warcraft unwraps Winter Veil

Ugly sweaters and rumblings of the Abominable Greench are signs that World of Warcraft's Feast of the Winter Veil is back. From now through January...

Massively OP’s Best of 2016 Awards: The Pseudo-MMO of the Year

Massively Overpowered's end-of-the-year 2016 awards continue today with our award for Best Pseudo-MMO of 2016, which was awarded to ARK: Survival Evolved last year. As you might surmise,...
I don't know what cool is any more.

Warframe celebrates the holiday season with the Tennobaum Gifting Extravaganza

It's the holiday season in... wherever Warframe takes place. It may be space. We are pretty sure it is space. Even in space, there...

Dolph Lundgren promotes World of Tanks’ Swedish lineup

Not content to let Steven Seagal hog all of the celebrity spotlight for Wargaming, former action star Dolph Lundgren has entered the scene to...
Oh my.

The Division is free on PC this weekend

Are you interested in The Division, but not interested enough to put down your money and try it out on your dime? A compromise...
So, yes, boat.

World of Warships enters choppy waters with arguably test-to-win reward ship

What do you know about the USS Alabama? "It is a boat" is a perfectly acceptable answer in this context because that is correct!...

Destiny’s holiday event is off to the races

Don't look now, Destiny, but you're becoming more of an MMORPG every day. The sci-fi shooter patched in its Dawning update this week, bringing...

World of Warcraft, Overwatch, and Heroes of the Storm ring in the holidays

The holiday season is rolling out in many of Blizzard's games (although that Diablo guy is being a real Grinch about it), so as...

Gaijin begins crowdfunding multiplayer war shooter Enlisted

War Thunder studio Gaijin announced today that it's publishing Darkflow Software's "fan-driven" MMO squad-based multiplayer PC shooter called Enlisted. "Gaijin Entertainment Promises to Reinvest Game...
shark robots

Warframe pushes The War Within to consoles alongside a gaming giveaway

It has been a month and a day since The War Within, one of Warframe's most-hyped content releases to date, arrived on the PC....

The MOP Up: The worst Overwatch players ever (December 11, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
We all go together.

Activision brings Vicarious Visions in to work on Destiny

Some big things are happening with Destiny. We already knew that Destiny 2 was on its way, and there's the rumor that it's coming...

CCP has launched EVE-franchise Gunjack 2: End of Shift on the Daydream

Announced just two months ago, CCP Games' Gunjack 2: End of Shift has officially launched today for the Google Daydream, on which platform it...
This genre clings to life like... well, zombie survival.

Obsidian’s Armored Warfare team hit with layoffs

Obsidian Entertainment has announced layoffs for an unknown number of staffers working on military MMO Armored Warfare. Gamasutra reports that the cuts are planned to...
I guess this is sought.

Overwatch players use the 3v3 format to create hide-and-seek; holidays arrive Dec 13

If you've ever played Monopoly with a child who doesn't care about anything beyond getting to play as the hat rather than getting everyone's...

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG developer has the best communication with players?

MMORPG developers come in lots of flavors of communication, with PR and community teams that run the gamut from "oh, we still pay for...

South Korea outlaws creation and distribution of game hacking programs

Think the worst thing that can happen to you for helping gamers cheat in a video game is a ban? Think again, at least...
Merry Something.

The Dawning arrives in Destiny on December 13

The spirit of the holidays can mean many different things to many different people. To some people, it's all about togetherness. For others, it's...