
Camelot Unchained’s Jacobs offers progress report, praise for his dev team

Camelot Unchained's traditional Friday update has been published, and CityState's Mark Jacobs has a lot to talk about on the heels of the recent...

EverQuesting: First impressions of EQII’s progression server

When it comes to a launch, rough winds are pretty much expected. But surprisingly, EverQuest II's progression server launch on Tuesday was pretty much...
Well, the back is the easiest place to stab a dude.

The Elder Scrolls Online introduces players to the Drake of Blades

The Imperial City in The Elder Scrolls Online is on the dangerous side, and if you didn't already know that the introduction to the...
Exploding AoE mine-person.

Neverwinter is changing its vote-to-kick system

The upside of having a system to vote-kick players in Neverwinter is that abusive players can be identified and removed from a run before...
Let's war ov

Crowfall posts an art fly-through, discusses money and stretch goals

Crowfall has been sporting a pretty distinctive art style from the word go, which is to its credit. The past few big updates on...

Perpetuum aims to accelerate its update cadence [Update]

Sci-fi MMO Perpetuum will soon be switching from long development phases to shorter ones, says Avatar Creations in a new dev post to players today....

Dark Age of Camelot pays tribute to player’s terminally ill son

Players who've logged into Dark Age of Camelot since yesterday will have met a stylish new NPC in the Mularn, Cotswold, and Mag Mell, as Broadsword...
Definitely not winter here, buddy.

Neverwinter posts the official gameplay trailer for Strongholds

A guild's home is its castle in Neverwinter. Wait, scratch that - it's not its castle yet, but it will totally be its castle...
Always the same.

Diablo III previews the Ruins of Sescheron for patch 2.3

In one respect, Diablo III is fairly littered with powerful treasures. That's the core of its gameplay. You are assaulted by a rain of...

Hearthstone’s second expansion is called The Grand Tournament

Blizzard's big Hearthstone announcement is an expansion called The Grand Tournament. It was revealed on a livestream earlier this afternoon, and it's got a...

Blade & Soul’s website updates with new race/class combos

Did you catch the classes page update on Blade & Soul's website today? NCsoft has fleshed out what exactly will be playable in the western...

H1Z1 targets bear AI, goes on sale for $8

As impossible as it might have seemed, H1Z1's next patch is going to be improving bear AI to make the ursine contingent of the...

Massively Opinionated: How does FFXIV pull off its sub model in 2015?

In this episode, Larry, Mike, and Eliot debate Final Fantasy XIV's business model, Heavensward, and newbie accessibility.

MechWarrior Online launches European servers and rolls out new machines

Yes, MechWarrior Online has rolled out an expansion. You didn't know about that? Probably because you were waiting for some huge new content drop,...

Guild Wars 2 confirms the Elementalist’s Tempest elite spec

ArenaNet has confirmed the rumored next elite spec for Guild Wars 2's upcoming Heart of Thorns expansion: The Elementalist's Tempest. The Tempest will access the...

Why WildStar needs stat refactoring and which stats are on the way out

WildStar has a major stat rebalancing patch on the way -- in fact, it's so major that it needs a whole new term: stat...

Path of Exile addresses major disconnection bug, plots new content

Not content to rest on its laurels after this month's The Awakening expansion, Grinding Gear Games has penned a quick post revealing precisely what...
Really, this game should specify its non-neon parts to save time.

Trove rolls out the neon dragons today

Trove has gone down for maintenance and isn't expected to be back up until 1:00 p.m. EDT. That's the bad news. The good news...
Lizard laugh.

Final Fantasy XIV adds in progression endgame content and more PvP options

Final Fantasy XIV has been rolling out its Heavensward endgame in a series of stages, and the last stage has finally arrived. Patch 3.05...

The Daily Grind: What race do you wish Guild Wars 2 would add?

One of the things Guild Wars 2 players wanted in an expansion -- and aren't getting in Heart of Thorns -- is a new...