
Well, all right, then.

Sea of Thieves talks about its technical alpha

Sea of Thieves is revving up both its testing and communication after some downtime during the holidays. As such, the team is back for...

Perfect Ten: MMORPGs that walk on the weird side

In third grade, my teacher sent home a report card with the note that "Justin is wonderfully strange." Ever since then, I never found the...

EVE Evolved: Making stories with friends in EVE Online

It's one of the more peculiar laws of the universe that when enough EVE Online players meet in the real world, they absolutely must swap stories. You...

Star Citizen fends off pirates (the fun kind)

One thing that's for certain in the future of interstellar expansion, and that is the assurance that plucky pirates will take their Jolly Rogers...

WoW emu Elysium suffers serious ‘database compromise’

One of the downsides of grey-market game emulators for the end-user is that security isn't always a priority. Case in point? Elysium suffered a...

New Dawn heads to Kickstarter for financial support

Stop us if you've heard this game concept before: You wake up on an island and have to survive the elements, your own hunger,...

Revelation Online has a buffet of PvP activities for CBT3

When Revelation Online goes into its third closed beta test on January 19th, it will keep things spicy with a special focus on the...

Funcom stresses the importance of lore and mystery in Conan Exiles

Conan lore is probably the most contentious thing about the franchise, and Funcom today has clarified the focus of that lore in Conan Exiles when...

Nostalrius has decided handing its WoW emu code to Elysium wasn’t such a good idea after all

So here's a twist in the Nostalrius saga that we didn't see coming: The group has changed its mind about supporting its code on...

Black Desert’s ship-faring Margoria expansion sails westward January 25

You might have noticed that yesterday's wee Black Desert patch included a brief mention of Margoria preload content. That's because the naval-themed Margoria expansion...

Sea of Thieves’ treasure hunting requires a lot of cooperation

For those still trying to get a handle of how Sea of Thieves will function as a cooperative online game, look no further than the...

Survival sandbox New Dawn shows gameplay, gears up for Kickstarter

It has been a while since we talked about New Dawn, so here's a quick refresher: This is an in-development survival sandbox that puts...

One Shots: The Christmas when no one showed up

If an MMO throws a Christmas party and no one shows up, who gets the presents? Will that eggnog ever get drunk? Are the...

Massively OP’s MMO guide to the Steam Winter Sale

Do you have any money left after all of that holiday shopping, travel, and dining out? Steam would very much like to have what...

Star Citizen launches 2.6 Star Marine, announces Amazon Lumberyard partnership

It's always nice to be able to report good news about Star Citizen, as one of our readers noted when sending us this tip, and...
To be fair, I suppose you can't make a game with that title and then have lots of water, but.

Pick up a key for Cloud Pirates’ third closed beta and jump in right now

Dirigibles! Explosions! Christmas! One of these things just doesn't fit in here! Yep, it's time for another round of Cloud Pirates closed beta right through the...

Pick up a Starfall Tactics pre-alpha key from Snowforged and MOP

Snowforged Entertainment's online space strategy MMO Starfall Tactics is running another pre-alpha event for testers this weekend. "Wars for territories, planet colonization, Houses (faction guilds), thousands planets...

Wizard101 and Pirate101 have ponies and decorations for all

When it comes to a great holiday event, what would you rather have more: in-game activities, giveaways, or cash shop sales? If you said,...

Conan Exiles infographic details the thin barriers between you and death

Turns out yesterday's Conan Exiles survival video wasn't the only thing Funcom had in store on the topic. Today, the studio's put out a...

The MOP Up: Hearthstone cruises down some Mean Streets (December 4, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...