
Pick up a Cloud Pirates closed beta key from My.com and Massively OP (All gone!)

If you've been eyeing the Cloud Pirates closed beta that's going on right now through the weekend, you're in the right post: My.com has granted Massively...

Cloud Pirates sails into its first closed beta test, shows off ship classes

Who doesn't like a flying airship, particularly when its heavily armed and given license to slug it out with the other traffic on its...

The Stream Team: Thar be a Pirate101 birthday today!

Shiver me timbers, it's a birthday! Pirate101 is celebrating its fourth birthday today, and Massively OP's MJ is joining in on the swashbuckling fun....

EverQuesting: Could Daybreak’s new FPS be an EverQuest?

With the constant clamoring from fans for Daybreak (or someone) to create an honest-to-goodness next-gen sequel to the EverQuest franchise, you'd hope that it...

Sea of Thieves turns to the hurdy-gurdy for period music

Creating that "authentic" pirate sound is a challenge for Sea of Thieves' soundtrack. In a new Short Haul video, Composer Robin Beanland shows how he's...

Cloud Pirates enters closed beta October 18, begins selling founder packs

My.com announced this week that its Allods Online-inspired sky-MOBA Cloud Pirates will enter closed beta next week on October 18th. The company has likewise put...

The Stream Team: Unlocking Marvel Heroes’ Pirate Deadpool team up

One of the last things Massively OP's MJ needs to do to be ready for Marvel Heroes' Cosmic Trial on Storm is to acquire the...

Perfect Ten: MMORPGs with vehicle avatars

When you take a step back and look at the broad MMO genre, you see some common threads that run through most games. One...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Fully unpacking Guild Wars 2’s Rising Flames

I've been aching to share more of my thoughts about Guild Wars 2's second Living World instalment for Season 3 and am finally convinced that enough...

EVE Evolved: What else is coming to EVE Online in November?

Recently I've been looking at how EVE Online will be affected by the introduction of free-to-play "alpha clone" accounts in its upcoming November expansion, but there's a...

The Stream Team: A peek into Cloud Pirates

If you had the chance to check out something that combines flight with pirates, you would, wouldn't you? MassivelyOP's MJ certainly couldn't pass up...
To be fair, I suppose you can't make a game with that title and then have lots of water, but.

Cloud Pirates invites select players into this weekend’s friends and family test

Cloud Pirates, the MOBA set in the Allods Online universe, is hosting a friends and family test this weekend. Why should that concern you?...

Jukebox Heroes: Great music tracks from MOBAs

If you were ever to go to Vegas and place a bet that I would one day become a dedicated, passionate MOBA player, any bookie...

The MOP Up: The Division opens its public test server (September 25, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

PSA: Enjoy Pirate’s Day in World of Warcraft

How much does it cost for a pirate to get her ears pierced? A buck-an-ear. And do you know what a pirate's favorite letter...

Sea of Thieves is proud of its fluffy clouds

Pirates in Sea of Thieves might be traveling on the game's gorgeous water for the most part, but it will always be under a...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Thoughts on Guild Wars 2’s Ring of Fire episode reveal

We've been promised a whole list of newness for Episode 2 of Guild Wars 2's latest Living World season, which will be with us by...

Sea of Thieves wants to show, not tell, during development

"We want people to be hyped, but we want people to be hyped for the right reasons." As development rolls forward with Sea of Thieves,...

Sea of Thieves podcast talks about Gamescom and community questions

The wise sailor knows that a salty pirate is nothing if not long-winded, especially if you provide enough grog. So for the second episode...

Pirates, Bards, and Astrologers abound in Lost Ark

One thing is for sure with Lost Ark: You are not going to find yourself constrained and bored with a paltry handful of class...