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Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris brings Mercury, a level cap increase, and another Firefly actor

Ready for Destiny 2's next big thing? You have about a month to prepare. Curse of Osiris, the first major post-launch content update for the sci-fi...
Wait for it.

DC Universe Online is shutting down PlayStation 3 support in 2018

The official announcement is titled "Changes coming to DC Universe Online for PlayStation 3," but it's really just one change for DC Universe Online....

The Stream Team: Halloween houses in Elder Scrolls Online

This year's Witches Festival in Elder Scroll Online includes an achievement that grants a new house. Housing and Halloween: Could anything be more perfect...

Wisdom of Nym: Musings on Final Fantasy XIV’s current crafting game

Crafting is really important in Final Fantasy XIV. That much can't be denied; the game places so much emphasis on the options available to...

Destiny 2’s players grumble over lack of social features; Bungie posts Curse of Osiris release date, trailer

The original Destiny featured such robust social features as poorly managed chat options and a total dearth of social features to help people form...

The MOP Up: Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet announced (October 29, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

One Shots: Mummies making tracks

Let me tell you, I'm not playing RIFT right now but still I am so very tempted to log on and purchase that squirrel...
All errors should have been ingored

Destiny 2 passes the baton to the live team, outlines future updates

"Right now at Bungie, we’ve passed the development torch from the people that made Destiny 2 to the people who will sustain it." With both...

Massively Overthinking: The state of early access, alpha, and beta ‘testing’ in the MMO genre

I remember years ago when then-Massively-columnist Rubi Bayer let loose with a blistering rant on the state of faux beta MMOs. She helmed Betawatch...

The Daily Grind: Are you an MMORPG gamer playing Destiny 2?

Pretty much the entire time between when Destiny 1 was announced and the day Destiny 2 was confirmed for PC, every single article we...

Final Fantasy XIV announces fan celebration in Denmark

Final Fantasy XIV players in Europe have a great excuse to head over to Denmark next month, as the game is hosting its "first...

Digital Extremes halts development on The Amazing Eternals

Digital Extremes announced this morning that it's halting development on The Amazing Eternals. "After many discussions internally on the state of The Amazing Eternals, we...

Bungie now says it’s unbanning Destiny 2 players ‘banned in error’

Remember how yesterday Destiny 2's community was all freaked out about account bans they believed were being caused by use of overlays from programs...

Battle Bards Episode 108: Vampires and werewolves

Here’s a musical episode that you can really sink your teeth into! Your… ear teeth? In any case, the Battle Bards are evaluating our...
It's a fooler.

Perfect Ten: 10 reasons MMO characters seem truly insane

We all like making the occasional observation about the weirdness inherent in video games, but most of us also recognize that what we're really...

SuperData declares Destiny 2 the ‘fastest selling digital console game in history’

SuperData's September 2017 video gaming market global revenue analysis should make Bungie happy, whether or not it was bleeding players ahead of the Destiny 2...

Warframe doubled its concurrency record with Plains of Eidolon to become second top-played F2P on Steam

Four year-old Warframe's done it again: set a new concurrency record, and not even for the first time, as it busted past its concurrency...

Bungie denies Destiny 2 community claims that third-party apps are triggering PC permabans [Updated]

We've updated with Bungie's latest statement at the end of this post. It's a classic case of he said, she said: the MMO edition. Following yesterday's...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 141: Mouse invasions and elf butts

Justin and Bree discuss MMORPG Halloween, Trove, World of Warcraft, EverQuest II, DDO, Life is Feudal, Bless, Destiny 2, and Project Gorgon, with a mailbag question on how and whether we should all be supporting struggling MMOs.

Blizzard’s has officially expanded to be a little more social

All right, so rebranding the app didn't work out as well as Blizzard had hoped. But the company remains bound and determined to...