pokemon go fest 2023

Massively on the Go: Pokemon Go’s Adventure Abounds repeats old problems while skipping Galar

Way back in 2016, we noted that Pokemon Go and Niantic could skip generations to focus on whatever was most relevant on Nintendo consoles....

Massively on the Go: Pokemon Go delivered a merely average Go Fest, bugs and all

This year's Pokemon Go Global Go Fest 2023 has officially ended, and it was... OK. It could've been a lot worse. Last year's Go...

Massively on the Go: Our planning guide for Pokemon Go Global Go Fest 2023

While the timing and quantity of events change each year, Pokemon Go is holding its global Go Fest 2023 August 26th and 27th this round....

Massively on the Go: Pokemon Go August update mentions Go Fest but lacks communication

August is generally a big month for Pokemon Go and Niantic, but the past year (as you can see from our caveat blurbs at...

Massively on the Go: Pokemon Go’s July events have mostly leaked already

It's already apparent that July is going to be rough for Pokemon Go and Niantic. We've already got another massive fan community/data producers soft-shutting...

Massively on the Go: Pokemon Go finally confirms datamined features for June

You'll all be surprised, I'm sure, to learn that Pokemon Go and Niantic did not do anything during our month-long coverage blackout here in...

Massively on the Go: Pokemon Go’s May lineup embraces Niantic’s bugs

As I noted in my last Massively on the Go column, for the entire month of May, this column will not be covering Pokemon Go, as Niantic...