
PvPvE extraction RPG Seekers of Skyveil continues closed alpha tests and reveals more characters

We're going to need a few moments to recount this one because it's had a bit of a winding initial path. At the start...

The Division preps summer testing for Resurgence, readies a PC test for Heartland, outlines Year 5 for The Division 2

In case that headline didn't clue you in, earlier this week was Ubisoft's "Division Day," a showcase of updates and news surrounding the three...

The Cycle Frontier reopens Tharis Island and begins tuning Season 3 weapons in latest patch

While Season 3 of The Cycle: Frontier is still pretty new in a relative sense, the inevitability of weapon balancing was always looming. Some...

Hood: Outlaws and Legends releases its new mountainous heist map and lays out future updates

There has been a lot of noise coming from team-based PvPvE title Hood: Outlaws & Legends recently. Following a video that talked up a...

Astellia Online’s second closed beta test slated to begin on July 30

Last month, self-proclaimed "Classical MMORPG" Astellia Online -- which our own Eliot Lefebvre deemed "acceptable" -- hosted its first closed beta test, which focused...