
This is not a doll.

The Daily Grind: Have you ever ragequit an MMO?

We've all heard the stories, at the very least. Someone died in a particularly inconvenient way, or someone lost a valuable items, or a...
We have Au Ra at home.

The Daily Grind: Are there any MMOs you wish you had quit before you did?

As has been observed by others, we all have stories about romantic interests who qualify as "the one that got away." We tend to...

EVE Online Senior Community Manager CCP Falcon departs CCP Games

It's safe to say that EVE Online hasn't had the smoothest history of dealing with its playerbase throughout the game's 16-year life, having endured...

EVE Evolved: Getting new players to stick with EVE Online

EVE Online has the odd distinction of being one of the most impenetrable MMOs on the market today and yet also one of the...

EVE Evolved: What pushes EVE Online players to breaking point?

How many times have you read the comments on an EVE Online article and found someone talking about an experience they had that turned...

Sword and Bored: Rage quit

Mo disconnects from his game in an epic rage quit for our 2015 comic finale.

Massively Overthinking: The MMO annoyances that provoke ragequits

I'm going to do something I don't do a lot in Massively Overthinking -- or anywhere, really. I'm going to ask you to whine. MOP Kickstarter...

The Daily Grind: When do you know it’s time to evacuate from your game?

This right here is your friendly neighborhood evacuation droid. If you will but calm down and follow his directions, he will lead you away...