An expansion for Lord of the Rings Online.
riders of rohan
LOTRO promises that Riders of Rohan won’t hit progression servers before next year
So back when Lord of the Rings Online originally launched the progression servers last November, Standing Stone Games said that it would unlock subsequent...
LOTRO Legendarium: A timeline of Lord of the Rings Online from 1994 to 2019
When I wrapped up writing my previous LOTRO column on the game's first year of live operation, I felt that I had left this...
The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite version of your MMO’s theme music?
Recently I've been cruising back through Aion's soundtrack and made a discovery that, in hindsight, seems obvious: There are several different main theme songs...
LOTRO Legendarium: The return of skirmishes in Lord of the Rings Online
Out of all of Lord of the Rings Online's additional features that it has added post-launch, skirmishes have my vote as one of the...
LOTRO composer Chance Thomas loses sound company over ponzi scheme
Many Lord of the Rings Online fans are well acquainted with Chance Thomas. While not the only composer for the MMO, his work on...
LOTRO Legendarium: Reviewing the Mordor soundtrack
Here's a weird thing to admit: I was actually concerned when I heard that Lord of the Rings Online brought back Chance Thomas to...
LOTRO Legendarium: A trip back through LOTRO’s expansions
Now that we're in the thick of Lord of the Rings Online: Mordor (which I'm still enjoying very much), my mind has taken a...
LOTRO Legendarium: Mordor’s pre-order is flat-out ridiculous
Outrageous. Ridiculous. Exciting. Exploitative. Controversial.
This past week's announcement of Lord of the Rings Online: Mordor's launch date and pre-order packages set ablaze discussions and...
LOTRO Legendarium: Seven abandoned LOTRO features
One of the hallmarks and attractions of MMORPGs is growth. These games, much like the characters that inhabit them, grow and change over time....
LOTRO confirms Chance Thomas’ return to score Mordor, says it will be his ‘darkest’ work yet
It was perhaps the worst-kept secret for Lord of the Rings Online's upcoming Mordor expansion, but now it's officially confirmed: Composer Chance Thomas is...
LOTRO kicks off 10th anniversary celebration, more musical retrospectives
It might not be Lord of the Rings Online's technical birthday quite yet, but the 10th anniversary celebrations are all ready underway as of today....
Jukebox Heroes: Your top six favorite MMO music themes
After over a month of voting and counting down, we've arrived at the final six picks for your favorite MMORPG theme songs of all...
Jukebox Heroes: Live performances of MMO scores
I am of the opinion that there is something special and magical about getting to experience music in person, especially so when it is...
PSA: Lord of the Rings Online expansions are on sale
Steam isn't the only place where you can get a good deal on MMOs this holiday season. Lord of the Rings Online is holding...
The Daily Grind: What’s the best MMORPG expansion you’ve experienced?
Very few things get me as excited as the announcement of a new expansion for a favorite MMO. Expansions are thrilling events, stirring up...
Jukebox Heroes: Six MMO soundtracks that need to be in your collection
Lately, a friend was asking me where he should start with collecting MMO soundtracks. "Pretty much anywhere and everywhere" was my initial reaction, although...