server issues

This may just be bad.

Old School RuneScape launches and then immediately rolls back its Leagues III event

Today was the much-vaunted launch of Old School RuneScape's Leagues III event, a seasonal progression event in which players are challenged to take on the...
Bless this hot mess.

EVE Online is having connection issues that the developers are struggling to solve

It's hard to connect with EVE Online at this point. Not in a metaphorical sense, but in a very literal and actual sense of connecting...
Calm. Cool. Relaxed.

Wurm Online addresses server lag and announces plans to move to Amazon Cloud Services

If you've been playing Wurm Online recently, you know that Independence (the server) has been lagging. It was lagging before February 7th, but that...
Wish you could actually consider being here.

Blade & Soul’s European maintenance is migrating servers to improve future maintenance

Good news, European Blade & Soul fans! Your server maintenance today is going to take twice as long as the North American server maintenance!...
Could be going better.

Albion Online updates players on server issues and offers compensation

Every game is going to have issues when it launches; the good ones acknowledge those issues and keep players updated on the state of...
Where you can't see.

Final Fantasy XIV hits a major instanced roadblock in Stormblood early access

Everyone knows there are going to be issues with an expansion on launch, and Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood is no exception. Players have hit...
It's official, I can't tell the difference between this and TERA now.

ArcheAge offers compensation to players for server outages

Who here likes server issues? Sure, they kind of suck while they're happening and prevent you from being able to play the game you...
This is my surprised face.

The Division’s launch night is plagued with server (and doorway) issues

Did you expect The Division to have issues on launch night with its servers? No? Well then why not? Also, you would be wrong,...
Out in the great wide open.

Elite: Dangerous asks players to stop exploring (for the moment)

One of the keenest parts of Elite: Dangerous is the fact that it's a game with a huge galaxy just begging to be explored....
This isn't a promo shot, it is literally this empty.

Skyforge producer says current server instability is ‘not acceptable’

If you were hoping that Skyforge had left its earlier server issues behind and a glorious new future awaited it free of queues, disconnections,...
Sorry I'm late, but you know I can't log in for about two hours.

Wisdom of Nym: The highs and lows of Final Fantasy XIV’s early access

Thursday was a long day. So was Friday, but in very different ways. Playing Final Fantasy XIV over the past few days has been a...