
Hang on, what were we doing here again?

The World of Warcraft player who cleared all of the game’s achievements has done it again

Back in 2018, a World of Warcraft player by the (in-game) name of Xirev made a splash when his Blood Elf Mage managed to,...

The Daily Grind: Are you on board for Burning Crusade Classic?

It seems all but one official announcement short of certainty that Blizzard is going to be rolling out a Burning Crusade Classic server for...
Never over.

Perfect Ten: The stages of the MMO life cycle

To this day, no one has a quote as useful on the subject of life and death as E. B. White: "We're born, we...
You're here!

Betawatch: Phantasy Star Online 2’s open beta arrived

The world feels really strange right now, and Phantasy Star Online 2 is in open beta in North America right now. Are those two...
Torgy torgy

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands gets another encrypted alpha build

If you're one of the World of Warcraft players eagerly awaiting more news about Shadowlands, you may be a bit nonplussed that the latest...
Mean elf.

Blizzard’s Steve Danuser talks about the story development in World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth

Very few people are trying to defend the story of World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth at this point, with one of the more...
In a world of human wreckage.

Blizzard roundup: Michael Chu leaves Overwatch, Acti-Blizz gets a new COO, and WoW Classic drops a banhammer

Blizzard's been on a tear this week with staffing shifts and patches and cancellations, so let's dig in. First, probably the saddest part of...
You all just hate me because you don't like me and I'm mean all the time.

Another World of Warcraft: Shadowlands encrypted alpha build is out now

When is the start of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands testing? Well, on a small scale it seems to have already happened, since the latest encrypted...
To sink beneath.

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands continues its march of encrypted alpha builds

In the abstract sense, it's really not unheard of that we as of yet don't know more about World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. It's not all that...

Into the Super-verse: How City of Heroes welcomed me into MMOs

As we approach the first anniversary of City of Heroes' revival on the rogue server circuit, I wanted to take this opportunity to share...
You look trustworthy, join our party!

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands has an encrypted alpha build out now

Blizzard would probably like it if people stopped talking about how the latest World of Warcraft patch is not very good, or how Warcraft III: Reforged...

The Daily Grind: Does an MMO’s economy ever stop you from going back?

I've written before about MMO economies and how badly handled inflation can wreck them because it's one of my pet favorite topics, but the...
We're fine.

World of Warcraft unveils changes to the Mythic Dungeon Invitational and Arena World Championship

The race to a world first kill of the last World of Warcraft Mythic raid of this expansion is over, so it's time to focus...
Through the fire and the flames

WoW Factor: How could World of Warcraft restore confidence ahead of Shadowlands?

The last opportunity that Blizzard had to really restore player confidence was Warcraft III: Reforged. And... Yes, that's very good, please stop laughing. I know. It's...

World of Warcraft Shadowlands is getting a prequel novel called Shadows Rising

If for some reason you're still really hoping that Blizzard will pull some good storytelling in World of Warcraft, maybe point your eyeballs to...
Get back.

WoW Factor: What if Shadowlands is also real bad?

At this point, we're all kind of settling in for the long winter's nap and also the spring's nap and at least most of...
There were some decent tabletop Star Trek games, but no.

Perfect Ten: Tabletop RPGs that would make fun MMOs

Sometimes you have a deep and current reason for writing a column, something that is actively happening in the world of MMOs that requires...

Massively Overthinking: The one about MMORPG content roadmaps

You know what word I love to hear from MMORPG developers? Roadmap. If you're a millennial or older, you surely remember roadtrip life before...
Nothing else has worked.

WoW Factor: A quick glance back at 2019 for World of Warcraft

So how did this year go for Blizzard Entertainment? Well... badly. You cannot have missed all of that. But it also went badly in...

Massively Overthinking: Our MMO predictions for 2020

With 2019 drawing to a close and a new decade of MMORPGs waiting for us just a few days away, the Massively OP writing...