star trek online

Official Site: Star Trek Online
Studio: Cryptic Studios/Perfect World Entertainment
Launch Date: February 2, 2010
Genre: Sci-Fi Themepark
Business Model: F2P (Cash Shop)
Platform: PC

Star Trek Online’s New Dawn will be ‘full of mystery’

Star Trek Online is on the verge of a storyline shift with the upcoming Season 11: New Dawn, as it puts the wraps on...

The Daily Grind: Should MMO studios disclose the odds of winning lockbox prizes?

Every once in a while in an MMO, the desire to play with numbers grips me, like the time I hand-crafted a thousand drinks in Star...
Bugs are but a dream.

Star Trek Online invites the players to help hunt down bugs

Bugs. They plague every online game, no matter how hard the designers try to hunt them down. So Star Trek Online is seeking an...

One Shots: They’ll swallow your soul

Sometimes you can't help but take a screenshot of what is otherwise nightmare fuel, because perhaps in freezing a scene in its tracks, you...
Wow, positive.

Perfect Ten: Ten MMO futures that never were

One of the things I spend a lot of time thinking about is Operation Unthinkable. For those of you who don't feel like clicking...
I am still proud of myself for this screenshot.

Star Trek Online announces Season 11: New Dawn

The war against the Iconians has been going on since Star Trek Online first launched, even though it hasn't always been immediately obvious. Season...

Massively Overthinking: The first VR MMO

In this edition of Massively Overthinking, Kickstarter backer Yinta wants to talk about virtual reality. "When will we see the first VR MMO?" So let's tackle...

Star Trek Online’s lead writer departs Cryptic

If you've spent any time with Star Trek Online fans, then you'll know that there's a widespread appreciation for the game's deep and consistent...

Star Trek Online releases Broken Circle, fixes stuff

Cryptic released Star Trek Online's Broken Circle featured episode last week, featuring the ability to fight the Iconians as well as voiceovers from franchise veterans Aron...
But no playable Iconians. Yet.

Star Trek Online launches Season 10.5

Players in Star Trek Online are still knee-deep in the war against the Iconians, and the latest patch for the game highlights how the...

Star Trek Online starts selling puppy lockboxes

Quick, someone call the animal humane society because Star Trek Online is cramming innocent puppies into airtight boxes! This puppy abuse is part of STO's...

Star Trek Online releasing Broken Circle featured episode this Thursday

It's time for Star Trek Online captains to take the fight to the Iconians. The game has been building up to an epic confrontation...

The Game Archaeologist: The Sims Online

The Sims Online was one of the odder entrants into the MMO genre, an online iteration of an immensely popular game franchise that promised...

Star Trek Online details its upcoming fleet armadas

The latest Star Trek Online dev blog talks up the sci-fi MMO's forthcoming fleet armada system. Lead programmer Daniel Razza says that the improvements...

Fleet veteran heavy destroyers coming to Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online lead systems designer Phil Zeleski has penned a new dev blog concerning fleet veteran heavy destroyers. These tier six vessels will...
You can also play a spaceship.

Star Trek Online shows off upcoming Tier 6 Battlecruisers

You can upgrade older ships in Star Trek Online, but your upgraded Tier 5 Battlecruiser just isn't the same as a Tier 6 version...

The Game Archaeologist: Seven MMOs operating on borrowed time

Most everyone who knows me well will acknowledge that I'm not generally a cynical, dark person. I'm not rooting for games to fail, for...

Star Trek Online’s newest feature episode is live

Star Trek Online's newest feature episode awaits, according to an official tweet this morning that signified the end of the patch maintenance period. Cryptic...

One Shots: Bagpipes in the woods

I can't say that I'm the biggest fan of bagpipe music, although I do harbor a certain fascination for any musical instrument that looks...

Steam’s summer sale offers mad MMO deals [Updated Monday]

Prepare your wallets to go broke and your libraries to fill to the brim with games that you'll never have time to play, for...