
See: Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online knocks off $100 from its lifetime subscription

Picard and crew might not have needed money in the oh-so-enlightened Federation, but if you're going to grab a lifetime subscription to Star Trek...
This is a hill one could die upon.

Star Trek Online teams up with Mixed Dimensions for 3D printed ships (again)

It's been about a year and a half since Star Trek Online first announced that it would be offering 3D printed versions of player...

Secret World Legends posts a quick teaser of the agent system

One of the first new Secret World Legends systems is coming soon, and Funcom posted a quick video of it this week to whet...
So many colors in the rainbow.

Perfect Ten: The tabletop GMs behind MMOs

One of the advantages to computer RPGs, I've always thought, is that you don't need a friend who you can alternately sucker or bribe...

One Shots: Toy chests

Really, when you think about it, MMOs are our grown-up toy chests. They have all of these attractive and fun toys to keep us...

Star Trek Online’s anniversary event heads to console next month

With all of the excitement and freebies surrounding Star Trek Online's 8th anniversary celebration last month, it had to have been a particular bummer...

MMOs get incredibly excited about Tesla’s Spaceman

No, you didn't dream it up. Wednesday, the world was abuzz over Elon Musk's Tesla company sending a rocket into orbit that was toting...

Perfect Ten: RIFT features that deserve praise

Maybe it will be short-lived, but it is exciting to see attention and excitement return to the sphere of RIFT following the announcement of...

PSA: Star Trek Online, Neverwinter, and Champions Online will be offline most of Wednesday

So we've got some mixed news for you, friends. The good news is that usual maintenance for Champions Online, Neverwinter, and Star Trek Online will...

The Stream Team: Celebrating eight years of Star Trek Online

Happy birthday Star Trek Online! Massively OP's MJ has leveled her little alien captain up so she can participate in the party this year....
This is new, this is new, this is new.

Star Trek Online braces for a mirror universe invasion on consoles

The Mirror Universe has been a persistent enemy in Star Trek Online since the earliest days of the game, because it sure is helpful...

Perfect Ten: Major MMO expansions and updates to expect in 2018

Now that we're almost 1/12th of the way through 2018, it's probably about time to stop anticipating the year and start experiencing it. We...
I want to go back (go back)

Star Trek Online claims 5.2M players over its lifespan

If you haven't noticed, this month marks Star Trek Online's eight-year anniversary. There have been plenty of giveaways and events going on in the...

The Daily Grind: Where did you Marvel Heroes players scatter to after the sunset?

A couple of months ago, after we learned about the sunset of Marvel Heroes but before it actually happened early, we asked our local...
gotta go to space

Star Trek Online hands out free ships today, but you’ll have to pay for a chance of one from Discovery

Happy Free Ship Day! This isn't us being cute; it's an actual holiday promoted by Star Trek Online every year on its anniversary. Just...

Star Trek Online offers up the Bajoran Interceptor as its crowning reward for its anniversary events

You didn't think Star Trek Online was just busting out a few giveaways for its eight-year anniversary celebration, did you? Because it's not. The...
Yikes what

Star Trek Online offers free stuff for its eight-year anniversary

It can't be right that Star Trek Online is really eight years old, can it? Eight full years of boldly going? The answer is...

Star Trek Online allows you to re-engineer imperfect mods

Don't like the gear that you've slapped into your starship in Star Trek Online? Don't ditch or sell it, but instead improve it with...

Perfect Ten: 10 tips for crafting a unique MMO character name

Tell me if you've ever been here: You just finished spending way too much time pouring over options in the character creation screen and...

Lockbox roundup: MMO studios on ‘elegant’ lockboxes, legal issues, and the ‘cosmetics only’ angle

You know the lockbox thing is reaching saturation when there are so many things to cover we have to resort to a roundup. Nevertheless,...