
Subscription MMOs are generally those that restrict play to gamers who pay an ongoing fee, usually monthly, though shorter and longer subscriptions, as well as lifetime subs, do exist. Some free-to-play and buy-to-play games also include optional subscriptions.

Massively OP’s 2018 gift guide for the MMO fan

Hello, readers! It's pre-holiday-shopping-season sale time again, and our sales team has put together a selection of artisanal hand-crafted MMOs and not-so-MMOs for the...

The Daily Grind: Is the movement against LFG just privileging a different type of MMO player?

In the comments of a BlizzCon article a few weeks ago, there was an interesting discussion about content. One commenter argued that it didn't...

Don’t miss our Final Fantasy XIV Fanfest 2018 and Shadowbringers coverage

Massively OP's complete coverage of Final Fantasy XIV's 2018 Fan Festival.
This should be obvious.

Wisdom of Nym: The first reactions to Final Fantasy XIV’s fan festival

Well, gosh. That was sure a lot of news for Final Fantasy XIV over a weekend, huh? Expected news, sure, but therein lie some of my...

The Stream Team: Healing and leveling in Final Fantasy XIV

With the Final Fantasy Fan Festival's reveals fresh on his mind, Massively OP's Chris is ready to play a whole lot of catch-up on...

FFXIV Fan Festival 2018: Q&A with Producer and Director Naoki Yoshida

The question and answer portion of the Final Fantasy XIV Fan Festival actually came before the Letter from the Producer, and as a result it...
Vendi ad me frat

FFXIV Fan Festival 2018: Naoki Yoshida explains patch 4.5 and Blue Mage in the newest live letter

After Friday's keynote, Naoki Yoshida made it fairly clear that Final Fantasy XIV fans would not hear anything further about the contents planned for the...

One Shots: Take me home, country roads

I can't tell if Deekay Plus' headlining shot from Fallout 76 here is that of a gorgeous West Virginia sunrise -- or an in-progress...
Faires past

The Daily Grind: What are your reactions to this year’s Final Fantasy XIV Fanfest?

Game-specific conventions are always a wild ride. Square-Enix didn't have to spend the past few days wowing people who had no idea about what...

FFXIV Fan Festival 2018: Details from the press conference with Naoki Yoshida

In contrast to the high-octane trailer that had opened the day, the final event for the first day of the Final Fantasy XIV fan festival...

FFXIV Fan Festival 2018: Shadowbringers promises new story, new regions, and new jobs

The plan was to fan a spark into a flame, but now it's getting dark, so who'll remember your name? (Apologies to Lin-Manuel Miranda...

World of Warcraft celebrates its 14th anniversary with a historic event

It might be hard to believe, but this year marks the 14th anniversary since Blizzard changed the landscape of the MMO genre with the...

FFXIV Fan Festival 2018: The next Final Fantasy XIV expansion is Shadowbringers

The third expansion for Final Fantasy XIV has been revealed as Shadowbringers during the keynote at this year's Fan Festival. It's coming out early summer...
Actually call it a comeback.

WoW Factor: The smart World of Warcraft stuff from BlizzCon

Let's get something out of the way first and foremost. I am not going to count Warcraft III: Reforged as a smart thing for...

Battle Bards Episode 132: Steampunk

Steam-powered tech, airships, clockwork machines, and automata are the source of inspiration for this week’s episode of Battle Bards! The team scrounged the landscape...

Take advantage of EVE Online’s double-training weekend

Boot up those neural implants, EVE Online capsuleers: CCP Games has announced that this weekend is a double-training weekend until November 19th. Players with...
Even when that emotional connection is being violently severed.

World of Warcraft puts another ring on Azerite armor’s finger

We are starting to worry that Blizzard's solution for everything wrong in World of Warcraft's latest expansion is to throw another ring on the...
Dead in the water.

Vague Patch Notes: When World of Warcraft breaks off your friendship

I spent a bunch of time post-BlizzCon thinking about why World of Warcraft personally bothered me. Not why its design pitfalls bothered me; that's...

Leaderboard: Is a ‘WoW Immortal’ a very real possibility?

During this week's podcast, Justin made a joke about the potential for a "WoW Immortal" that... doesn't seem like such a joke, especially given...
It's fine, everything is fine, this is fine.

WildStar sunsets November 28 – and it’s still dropping lore

Salt in the wound here: Carbine, or what's left of it, has released this week another leg in WildStar's meta plot and the slow...