
Subscription MMOs are generally those that restrict play to gamers who pay an ongoing fee, usually monthly, though shorter and longer subscriptions, as well as lifetime subs, do exist. Some free-to-play and buy-to-play games also include optional subscriptions.

This is the world we live in.

Phantasy Star Online 2 reveals the full details of its collaboration with Final Fantasy XIV

Are you eager to play Phantasy Star Online 2? Wait, scratch that; the ship has pretty well sailed on that and most of the...
Play ALL the people.

WildStar makes plans to become more alt-friendly

Alternate characters can be important in MMOs. If you're playing a game that doesn't allow for swapping classes, it's a chance to try out...

The MOP Up: League of Legends fights in-house toxicity (June 19, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

MMO Mechanics: Zonation and scaling mechanics in MMORPGs

The recent E3 hubub about The Elder Scrolls Online new level syncing mechanics being extended has got me thinking all about the mechanics behind zones in MMOs,...

One Shots: Cave art

True fact: One of the earliest attempts to screenshot the action in an MMORPG took place as prehistoric cave paintings in France. Another true...

The Game Archaeologist: The Shadow of Yserbius

Really, I blame my parents for not being filthy rich. If they had been, we could've afforded the $130/month unlimited subscription fee to the ImagiNation...

Camelot Unchained is opening a second studio in Seattle

Camelot Unchained is opening a new studio in Seattle. On Twitch this afternoon, CSE studio founder Mark Jacobs told viewers that the second studio will...

E3 2016: Final Fantasy XIV discusses the Deep Dungeon, Xbox One, and the future

Whenever Naoki Yoshida shows up at a convention, you know ahead of time that Final Fantasy XIV fans are going to have plenty to...
What we do

Camelot Unchained says farewell to community manager, preps big stream

Camelot Unchained is losing its community manager, Jenesee Grey. During yesterday's farewell stream with CSE boss Mark Jacobs, Grey explained that her insane commute (500...

World of Warcraft: Legion’s expansion cycle will be longer with more patches

Remember all of those times that Blizzard said that it was going to speed up the rate at which it produced World of Warcraft expansions?...

Massively Overthinking: The best and worst MMORPGs of E3 2016

With E3 taking up so much head-space this week, we thought it only right to discuss how MMOs in particular fared at the convention....

Ultima Online on the fall patch, 19th anniversary, and cash shop bugs

Ultima Online's latest newsletter teases publish 94, on the way this fall in the game, which ought to turn 19 years old the same...

Blizzard introduces an incredibly simple one-button authenticator

When it comes to safety, people often weigh the security of taking preventive measures against the annoyance of having to use them. The more...

Guild Wars 2 debates deleting the Desert borderlands map, discusses raid boss fight

Guild Wars 2's fourth and final developer video on the Stronghold of the Faithful features ArenaNet Game Designer Jason Reynolds discussing the design of...

Global Chat: Which mobs do you love killing in MMOs?

Everyone has mobs that they particularly enjoy offing in MMORPGs -- sometimes so much so that we go out of our way to get...

Tamriel Infinium: The pros and cons of Elder Scrolls Online’s ‘One Tamriel’ level-syncing

Despite being a two-year-old game, The Elder Scrolls Online has made a good showing at E3, which really shouldn't have surprised me -- but it...

World of Warcraft: Legion’s pre-expansion patch hits the test server

While World of Warcraft players will have to wait until the very end of August to dive into the new expansion, a major event...
Stormy stormy storm-storm.

Final Fantasy XIV offers cross-promotional deal with Amazon

Do you urgently need another fat chocobo in your Final Fantasy XIV mount collection? Do the revelations at E3 put you in the mood...
The vaguely threatening capital blob!

EVE Online goes to the pirates in late June

The EVE Online update that's launching on June 28th is bringing new capital ships into the mix, and they aren't coming from the most...
There was something beautiful and wonderful and it destroyed itself.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 69: WildSteam

Justin and Bree discuss ESO, WoW, WildStar, Nostalrius, TSW, Star Citizen, Landmark, and FFXIV, with a mailbag question on MMO dungeons.