See: Star Wars Galaxies
Perfect Ten: The best expansions for specific MMOs
Looking over the past two decades or so, MMORPGs have grown by leaps and bounds with regular releases, events, and (of course) expansion packs....
MMORPG sandbox Fractured’s Kickstarter has just fully funded at over $130,000
Phew! A few weeks ago, I was not confident that Fractured's Kickstarter was going to make it, but it cleared its goal with just...
The Daily Grind: Rank the top three housing MMOs ever made
WildStar. RIFT. EverQuest II.
If I had to choose three MMORPGs that contained the best housing systems and then rank them, that list up there...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 179: MMO parenting fails
Justin and Bree discuss Star Wars Galaxies Legends, World of Warcraft, Elite Dangerous, LOTRO's Weatherstock, Trion's layoffs, No Man's Sky's multiplayer, DDO, and Wizard 101 updates, with mailbag entries on how to start an MMO blog and spooky stuff in Guild Wars 2.
The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG boasts the best space gameplay?
Over the past week or so, I've been tinkering with Star Wars Galaxies Legends, an NGE emulator for SWG that's actually pretty polished and...
Fractured’s player city system is the evolution of Star Wars Galaxies
MMORPG sandbox Fractured has five days to secure another 16K to make its $116K Kickstarter goal - and it just broke the $100K barrier...
Star Wars Galaxies book takes fans back to this late, great MMO
Unless you're willing to venture out onto the wild space of emulated servers, you won't be getting Star Wars Galaxies back. That doesn't mean...
The Daily Grind: What’s the best MMORPG skill system that avoids the ‘illusion of choice’?
Over the weekend, my husband and I were chatting about playing on a Star Wars Galaxies emulator again, probably the Legends one that people...
The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG has the best user interface?
In the comments of my last Daily Grind about Star Wars Galaxies, there erupted a lively debate about the game's user interface in the...
The Game Archaeologist: Raph Koster on MUDs and Privateer Online
The release of Raph Koster's monster book of game essays, Postmortems, was of high interest to Bree and me for different reasons. For her,...
The Daily Grind: Would you play Star Wars Galaxies if it relaunched today?
Star Wars Galaxies is 15 years old now, and it was just about seven years ago that SOE announced it was slated for execution....
Hyperspace Beacon: Memorable moments in Star Wars Galaxies, the original Star Wars MMORPG
Yesterday, the game that solidified my place in the MMO space would have turned 15 years old, and MJ, Bree, and I took a...
Perfect Ten: The best MMO debuts by year, 1997-2006
By now, many of you probably know that I'm the curator of the MMO Timeline on my personal blog. On this page, I've attempted...
The Stream Team: Re-living Star Wars Galaxies memories in the Emu on the game’s 15th birthday
You hear Massively OP's staff talk about Star Wars Galaxies all the time. But have you seen it? Now you can. The game may...
The Daily Grind: What’s your biggest ever MMO splurge?
Ever since Trove launched its superhero-themed expansion Heroes, I've been hemming and hawing over buying the big mama upgrade package for the Vanguardian and...
‘Magic through serendipity’: Raph Koster on the glorious mess that was Ultima Online
I was a wide-eyed, naive kid when I first stepped into Ultima Online in 1997, and as it turns out, the developers were too.
The Daily Grind: What’s the best MMORPG vet reward you’ve ever gotten?
CCP Games rolled out a pretty sweet veteran reward for EVE Online vets this week ahead of the game's anniversary: Everybody who's been playing...
The Daily Grind: Do you start over in MMOs when your character or account is maxed out?
Over the last year or so, my six-year-old has been making his way through LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga on our old PS3....
Star Wars Galaxies creator Raph Koster to release postmortem book on MMORPGs
Raph Koster is certainly a well-known name in the MMORPG industry who has spent his career working on titles such as Ultima Online, Star...
Hyperspace Beacon: The sorry state of roleplay in Star Wars: The Old Republic
Since the server merges, the Star Forge server has unofficially become the roleplay server for Star Wars: The Old Republic. And roleplaying's fight to...