
See: Star Wars Galaxies

The Game Archaeologist: Disney’s Toontown Online

The use of the word "toon" to describe MMORPG characters is a contentious one, with fans divided over its annoyance or acceptance. But when...

Massively Overthinking: Is open-world housing really a ‘failed’ MMORPG experiment?

Massively OP's Justin Olivetti has a provocative article on his personal gaming blog, Bio Break, this week on MMORPG housing. "I once again wonder why...
We never like these things.

But seriously, lockboxes suck, even if the ESRB doesn’t think they’re gambling. Stop buying lockboxes.

So, MMO players. Are you tired of hearing about lockboxes and gambleboxes? It feels like we've been complaining about them for like six or...

Massively Overthinking: Epic Tavern-style player-generated content in MMORPGs

Ever played Epic Tavern? Massively OP reader Uli though it would make an interesting point of comparison for MMO content. "Epic Tavern is a...

Hyperspace Beacon: The pros and cons of SWTOR’s United Forces server merges

First, if you're hoping this is going to be an article hating on server merges and declaring them the ruination of an MMO community,...

One Shots: Starlight, starbright

As someone very much on the outside of this whole Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire thing, my observations is that this is some...

The Daily Grind: Should MMOs get rid of levels?

I would like to say that when I was a kid playing my first MMORPGs, I was impervious to the grind, that I embraced...

Perfect Ten: The 10 tiers of MMORPG lore

In which we discuss varying levels of MMO lore effort and Eliot admits he doesn't remember the names of Pac-Man's ghosties.

The Game Archaeologist: Climax’s Warhammer Online

Let's begin with a little personal history. Back in 2008, I decided to get into the blogging scene by jumping on board the latest...

PAX West 2017: Dual Universe demos its persistent, seamless, sandbox universe

If you were hoping that another title would pick up the idea of a voxel world and run with it, you're getting your wish....

Ultima Online suspends housing decay, placement during 20th anniversary month due to Harvey

During this week's Massively OP Podcast, Justin and I wondered whether any MMORPGs with ongoing in-game costs and timers might disable them because of...

Massively Overthinking: Female characters and gender-locked classes in MMOs

One of the reasons I gravitated to and stick by the MMORPG genre in spite of its many ups and downs (oh, so many...

Tamriel Infinium: ZeniMax’s Rich Lambert on Elder Scrolls Online content development, past and future

Morrowind was very likely a great boon for The Elder Scrolls Online. Although ZeniMax Online Studios hasn't released any solid numbers, the staff has...

Final Fantasy XIV’s Naoki Yoshida on Stormblood’s release, AI issues, and MMO history

After all this time, I'm sure some of you forgot that my original E3 2017 interview with Final Fantasy XIV's Naoki Yoshida was supposed to...

Raph Koster on roleplaying consent and emotes in Star Wars Galaxies and WoW

MMORPG designer Raph Koster has a fun piece out today, ostensibly about what he's dubbing "consent systems" in multiplayer games that include roleplaying --...

The Daily Grind: What MMO would you like to see dump its branding or IP?

On Tuesday, Daybreak formally announced that the neglected PvE half of H1Z1, Just Survive, would be shedding its H1Z1 branding once and for all. The...

Hyperspace Beacon: Star Wars The Old Republic’s Uncle Owen problem

When Star Wars: The Old Republic first released, an old Star Wars Galaxies argument popped up, and the crux of that argument was this:...
Strawberry fields forever.

Battle Bards Episode 102: Pure joy

Is it even possible for pure joy to be derived from MMORPG music? Whether or not, the Battle Bards are going to take a...

The Daily Grind: How would you solve the housing server merge problem?

When ArcheAge launched, I was one of those who was brutally harsh about its mind-numbingly stupid housing system, a more or less open-world system...

The Daily Grind: What’s your ideal ‘retirement’ MMORPG?

Wednesday, my husband and I were chatting about the big stories of the day, including the Star Citizen piece that racked up a bajillion...