
See: The Daily Grind


The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the most helpful loading screen text?

MMO loading screen text varies widely from game to game. Some titles choose to put snippets of lore on their loading screens, while others...
It's an old deck, I swear.

The Daily Grind: Do you want minigames in your MMO?

I won't pretend that I'm one of the biggest fans of the game, but I'm really glad that Triple Triad is a thing in...

The Daily Grind: Is dual-wielding dumb or cool?

If one weapon is neat, then two must be twice as great, right? That seems to be the thought process behind dual-wielding in video...

The Daily Grind: When do you know you’re never going back to an MMO?

Massively OP's Mike Foster said something that resonated with me earlier this week when during a debate about World of Warcraft, he uttered, "I...
GTA Online

The Daily Grind: Are you playing GTA Online?

I've been playing GTA V an absurd amount since Monday. It's basically two games, though, which is problematic for an already overloaded schedule. I...

The Daily Grind: Do you plan ahead in your MMOs?

I am a horrible, horrible chess player. It's not that I don't understand the game or have the mind for basic strategies but that...

The Daily Grind: What old MMO feature deserves to make a comeback?

Today's Daily Grind comes to us from Kickstarter donor Diskonekted, who asks one of the genre's million-dollar questions: What features or technology from older MMOs are...
Syrio Forel

The Daily Grind: Would you play a Game of Thrones MMO?

Did you watch Game of Thrones last night? I didn't. I'll get around to it eventually, though, I'm sure. How about a Game of...
It was kind of mostly satisfying at the time, anyway.

The Daily Grind: What sort of characters do you have a tendency to play?

As a roleplayer, I have a lot of different character types that I've played, lots of different archetypes and the like. However, taking any...

The Daily Grind: What promised yet undelivered feature sticks in your craw?

There are few things more annoying than a developer promoting an upcoming feature or change and then never delivering on it. Four expansions later,...
Ultima Online

The Daily Grind: Are MMOs becoming outpaced by tech?

Whenever I talk about Ultima Online to someone who wasn't there when it was a big thing, I admit to feeling as if I...
Elder Scrolls

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite MMO fantasy setting?

I've been fooling about in Elder Scrolls Online this week, and in some ways it's like coming home. I wrote Massively's ESO column for...

The Daily Grind: Where do you stand on MMO emulators?

Emulators. They're a touchy, murky, grey-area subject for many people and one that we don't touch on a lot here on the site due...

The Daily Grind: What’s your most memorable MMO noob moment?

I was basically still a kid when I first started playing MMOs, and my first, of course, was the wild west of the newly...
Infinite Crisis

The Daily Grind: What’s your preferred MOBA class?

The strangest thing has been happening to me here lately. I... I think I'm becoming a MOBA fan. It's not that I had anything...
You have clearly been preparing for this day.

The Daily Grind: How long do you have your subscriptions set up for?

I had not put my Final Fantasy XIV account on anything more extended than month-by-month billing for the longest time. Which is kind of...

The Daily Grind: Do you ever want to change your character’s race?

We all whine and complain about MMO cash shop offerings, but you know what's one item that I'm always glad to see? A race...

The Daily Grind: Does FFA PvP reflect badly on players?

Today's Daily Grind question comes from Luxxicon, a donor to our Kickstarter campaign. Luxxicon just wants to talk about open-world PvP. In fact, his...

The Daily Grind: What’s the last non-combat activity you did in an MMO?

It's no secret that today's MMOs focus almost exclusively on combat. Oh sure, some of them have rudimentary crafting, trading, and housing minigames, but...

The Daily Grind: Would you play a stripped-down mobile version of your favorite MMO?

The (as of yet unspecified) plans to create a mobile version of Final Fantasy XI touches on a sore subject for me: the lack...