test environment

Now I'm the best thing ever!

WildStar enters the second phase of free-to-play testing with real money, explains Runecrafting changes

The first stage of testing for WildStar's free-to-play conversion has been a success on the whole. Sure, there have been aspects that veterans didn't...
But animated for real, like.

Crowfall shows off the Confessor in action

We've been told quite a bit about Crowfall's Confessor, but words on a page don't really give a sense for what it will look...

City of Titans shows old test environment before scrapping it

New games don't spring into being overnight; they take lots of work and incremental steps to a finished product. That goes double for a...

Run, Valiance Online, run!

There's always a world of difference between viewing MMO screenshots and videos. Sometimes you just have to see a game in action to get...