this is why we can’t have nice things

The real problem with this genre is the fact that humans play it. Here’s some of the worst stuff they’ve done.

Lizard Squad leader convicted for 2014 cyberattacks on H1Z1 and John Smedley

You do the cybercrime, you do real world time. Cast your mind back to 2014 and 2015, when a hacker group called Lizard Squad...
The joke here is that the dungeons for this game were miserable slogs.

WildStar, Blade and Soul, Aion, and Lineage II come under DDoS attacks

Hackers launched an offensive against NCsoft yesterday, targeting several of the company's MMORPGs in a series of DDoS attacks. WildStar, Aion, Lineage II, and...

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive community rocked by death threat controversy

Here is a lesson that we should all take to heart: Smack talk is one thing, actual death threats are entirely another. The Counter-Strike: Global...

EVE Online thieves produce propaganda music video, auction off ill-gotten gains

If betrayals, heists, coups d'état, and threats aren't enough to pique your interest in EVE Online's metagame, maybe memes will do the trick. As PCGN...
All right, the Lopp have some chops here too.

Hacker claims to have made a living cheating in MMOs for two decades

Motherboard has a fun-slash-depressing piece out this week on an unnamed hacker who claims he's been cheating at MMORPGs to make a living for...
Longer than it is wide.

An EVE Online player tried (and failed) to send CCP Games a big bag of tallywhackers

Sending someone a message containing the phrase "eat a bag of dicks" may feel good to type, but it raises a number of logistical...

Elite Dangerous’ novel-concluding Salomé event was wrecked by long-con griefers

Last week, we reported on an impending roleplaying event in Elite Dangerous that was set to influence the outcome of Premonition, a game-based novel...

RuneScape DDoS hacker gets two years in U.K. prison

Ever hear that expression, "His name is mud?" It applies on every level to the incarceration of one Adam Mudd this week, who received...

Boob-addled MMORTS Evony was hacked, compromising up to 33M accounts

We're all sure you never played Evony, the bland, top-down MMORTS once notorious for its bizarrely sexualized ads ("Start your journey now, my lord!"...
Fight for something, probably, whatever.

The Elysium WoW emulator community is in total meltdown

The Elysium World of Warcraft private server community is in total meltdown, so popcorn at the ready. Most MMORPG players would probably have never heard...

FIFA YouTubers plead guilty to charges under UK gambling act

Back in September, we reported on the UK's case against Craig "NepentheZ" Douglas and Dylan Rigby, the YouTubers charged under the Gambling Act with...

Blizzard cracks down on Overwatch aimbot cheaters

OK, cheaters, listen up. You're jerks, you're ruining the game for everyone, you're wasting developer time, which means you're wasting everyone's money, you're not...

FIFA hackers charged with stealing millions in spoofing scheme

Don't ever let anyone tell you it's just a game and exploits aren't a big deal: A group of FIFA players are standing trial...
Wholesome and simple.

Warframe staffer slammed with death threat over recent patch

Earlier in the week, Digital Extremes made several announcements about upcoming Warframe content. One of those announcements included the revelation that The War Within...

Riders of Icarus plans ‘new banning initiative,’ will name and shame cheaters

Riders of Icarus' latest producer's letter makes a grim admission: "Since Head Start, Riders of Icarus has been riddled with spammers and bots." "We understand...

Guild Wars 2’s Mike O’Brien on the Gaile Gray hack

Earlier today, Redditors began circulating a forum thread filled with pictures of a character named Gaile Gray running around classic Guild Wars spouting nonsense (and worse)....

Blizzard sues Bossland again, this time for Overwatch cheat

Remember Bossland GmbH? It's the German company that makes bots like World of Warcraft's HonorBuddy for Blizzard's games, which Blizz has ardently argued violates...

Hacker breaks into APB: Reloaded CM’s account, goes on minor crime spree

APB: Reloaded's community manager learned the hard way about the importance of account security, as her account was hacked over the weekend. "Yes, my forum/game...

No Man’s Sky confirms August delay rumors, fields death threats

Remember those rumors about No Man's Sky's delay? Yeah, they're true. Hello Games' Sean Murray has posted about the delay on the PlayStation blog, admitting...
How dare you be dishonest back at me!

Black Desert’s most common hacking tool appears to be bundled with a keylogger

Vigilante justice rarely works out in the long run. Delivering pain to match pain just creates an unceasing, spiraling cycle. But with all of...