this is why we can’t have nice things

The real problem with this genre is the fact that humans play it. Here’s some of the worst stuff they’ve done.

Albion Online faces DDoS attacks presumably over a recent anti-botting update

It looks like Albion Online is being targeted by some angry digital racketeers if word from Sandbox Interactive is to be believed. Over the...

‘PvP tactical RPG’ Champions Tactics Grimoria Chronicles is Ubisoft’s next foray into blockchain gaming

Do you remember when Ubisoft tried to force NFTs into Ghost Recon: Breakpoint and it ended in a massive bellyflop? Do you also remember...

Ragnarok Online has a mobile play-to-earn NFT version called Ragnarok Labyrinth NFT

Gravity Games, the studio behind Ragnarok Online and its many, many, many different variations, has released another version of the MMO through its Gravity...

Unity adds AI tools to its asset store while Electronic Arts reasons AI generation is a ‘co-pilot’ for artists

The fresh blood in the games industry water continues to be AI generation tools for art assets and writing. This time we zero in...

Niantic lays off 230 workers, affecting Pokemon Go, in cost-slashing reorganization

The beleaguered Pokemon Go company Niantic has been under fire all year from unhappy players, and now, the company itself is undergoing a restructure...

Independence Day’s Roland Emmerich announces Space Nation MMORPG: It’s another token-encrusted NFT game

Movie fans no doubt know the name "Roland Emmerich," a blockbuster director who made a household name for himself by destroying the earth on...

Pokemon Go’s top datamining community site announces ‘soft shutdown’ over Niantic’s antics

PokeMiners, Pokemon Go's largest and most popular datamining group, announced this week that it is further reducing its efforts and participation in the game,...

Discord announces additional monetization via new subscription gating tools for server creators

For regular users of the chat program Discord, monetization of the platform began a potentially worrying trend when the company announced the server subscriptions...

Blue Protocol reportedly unleashes a banwave against players accessing the MMO outside of Japan

Earlier in the month, we pointed out how eager western fans of Blue Protocol were ready to arrive to the Japanese version of the...

Reddit CEO remains unfazed by blackout protests, calls organizing moderators ‘landed gentry’

This week saw a pretty significant lashing out from the vast majority of Reddit, as multiple subreddits, including several that serve MMORPG communities, went...

Gameforge’s DMCA filing took the Magic to Master Kickstarter down, alleging stolen Metin2 assets

We return to the bizarre and spiraling story of Magic to Master, an old Korean MMORPG brought to Kickstarter by Hungarian studio Laniatus. We're...

Funcom has unceremoniously axed Advisors of Rubi-Ka, Anarchy Online’s player volunteer program

Unfortunately, we've got another blast of bad news out of Funcom this afternoon - a studio not exactly known for properly maintaining its old...

The Magic to Master mess devolved into DMCA abuse as Laniatus promises launch ‘regardless of Kickstarter’

We've been trying real hard not to have to write about this game again, but here we are back touching base on the Magic...

Embracer (Gearbox) announces major restructure with layoffs and canceled games

Just three weeks ago, Embracer Group - the megacorp that owns gobs of properties, including Gearbox, which governs Cryptic and a bunch of MMORPGs...

World of Warcraft announces price hikes on subscription plans for Turkiye and Ukraine

Fans of World of Warcraft who live in Turkiye and Ukraine are seeing some bad news this week, as Blizzard has confirmed that the...
Now my stats are good!

Former World of Warcraft dev claims he was fired over greedy goblin text lines

So good old Bobby Kotick's interview yesterday made him look really great, if we're using very inaccurate definitions of the words "great" and also...

Bobby Kotick decries ‘aggressive labor movement’ trying to ‘destabilize’ Activision-Blizzard

We're just a few days from the launch of Diablo IV, so naturally Variety has offered up a mushy interview with... Activision-Blizzard's Bobby Kotick,...
So many intelligent decisions!

No, we didn’t write a ‘testimonial review’ supporting Kickstarter MMO Magic to Master

A couple of years back, we reported on the resurrection of Magic to Master, aka M2M, which along with Laniatus had apparently changed hands...
Shame, shame, shame.

Richard Garriott’s NFT-based MMO, Iron & Magic, appears to have vanished already

About a year ago, we first covered a new MMO, Iron & Magic, which was pitched as an NFT-based game with Richard Garriott at the...

Blizzard suggests WoW Token RMT in WoW Classic is ‘for the good of the community’ because of RMT bots

World of Warcraft's WoW Classic community has been on fire for the last few days following Blizzard's announcement that it will port the WoW...