wild buster heroes of titan
The Stream Team: A first look at Wild Buster
Have you heard about Wild Buster: Heroes of Titan? You might have if you grabbed a copy from MOP's giveaway! Massively OP's MJ hadn't...
Snag a Wild Buster trial key from InselGames and Massively OP!
If you watched "gritty sci-fi hack'n'slash MMOARPG" Wild Buster launch last week and considered giving it a go but hadn't quite pulled the trigger, then today's...
Wild Buster shows off footage of Serious Sam in action
The original announcement that Wild Buster is going to feature Serious Sam (star of the series of games known as Serious Sam) as a...
Grab a Wild Buster weekend beta key from InselGames and Massively OP
If you've had an eye on Wild Buster and wondered how the "gritty sci-fi hack'n'slash MMOARPG" is faring in the lead up to its...
Wild Buster adds Serious Sam to its character lineup
Wild Buster is quickly becoming the home of old action FPS mascots with nothing else to do, like a version of The Expendables that's...
Wild Buster is adding Duke Nukem to its lineup… really
Do you still have a deep emotional attachment to Duke Nukem, the star (ahem) of Duke Nukem Forever and endless memes about games which...