
See: World of Warcraft

Blizzard lays out its plans for PvP in World of Warcraft Classic, teases Rise of Azshara stream

Last month, Blizzard dished out the deets on how World of Warcraft: Classic's content will be divvied out in six discrete phases, but the...
Whee or something.

World of Warcraft welcomes the Darkmoon Faire and its new rollercoaster

The faction war is supposedly more urgent than it's ever been in World of Warcraft. We say "supposedly" because, well, it's hard to believe...
If you look to your left, you will see a sad person.

Global Chat: Do you think you could design a better game than World of Warcraft?

Let's be honest: We all are so egotistical and opinionated that we totally think we could design a better MMO than World of Warcraft....

Massively Overthinking: If an MMO item is buyable with gold, does that excuse its presence in the cash shop?

This week's Overthinking topic comes from longtime MOP reader and commenter Sally Bowls. It's about monetization, but it's a nuanced argument we don't see...
lol so randum

World of Warcraft’s Ion Hazzikostas explains the philosophy behind Azerite now and in the future

It turns out that even if you liked World of Warcraft's Artifact Weapons and how they were designed, their front-loaded nature was very bad. That's...

Perfect Ten: MMO celebrations that didn’t rip off real-world holidays

Does it ever slightly bother you that in these alternate fantasy and science fiction worlds that we explore there just so happens to have...
Take with one hand and give with the other hand.

World of Warcraft Classic is all about old-school spell batching

In the quest to bring back as close to an authentic vanilla era experience as possible, Blizzard is returning a system that players probably...
Hang on, what were we doing here again?

World of Warcraft continues to speed up Heart of Azeroth level acquisition

Are you still struggling to get your Heart of Azeroth leveled to catch up with the World of Warcraft crowd? The good news is...
Llook out, Llary! It's the llandlllord!

Massively Overpowered feature patch notes for April Oneth

Here at Massively Overpowered, we're always doing our best to make use of our staff's particular talents. We make sure to have Justin saying...

The Daily Grind: Should AAA companies expect gamers to fund esports prize pools?

The esports industry is absolutely no stranger to watcher-funded prize pools. I know this. We've watched as companies like Riot Games and Hi-Rez have...

The Game Archaeologist: The Chronicles of Spellborn

Hey! Hey you! Yeah, you the I'm-so-bored-with-all-of-these-MMOs gamer! You've been grousing about for years how MMOs never take risks, never innovate, and are merely...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO’s lore confuses the heck out of you?

Fantasy authors (aspiring and published) are renowned for their tendency to create elaborate and often labyrinthian backstories and world histories. And while this lore...
Those are people who died, died.

WoW Factor: Why people are mad at Battle for Azeroth, part 5: Conclusions and peeling the mask

This week, after some 7000 words on this particular topic, I'm starting off by acknowledging what should be a rather obvious fact: My series...

The Daily Grind: How do you feel about ideas like the cottage rule and class fantasy in MMO design?

Who among our readers played City of Heroes and remembers the cottage rule? The idea was that developers were reluctant to change the fundamentals...

Massively Overthinking: Thoughts on the holy trinity in MMOs

One of MOP's bright new columnists, Tyler Edwards, blogs over at Superior Realities, and he recently brought to my attention his pieces on the...
Not today, old man.

Remember Booty Bay in World of Warcraft? It’s back! In Sims 4 form!

If you've ever wandered through Booty Bay in World of Warcraft and thought that it'd be much cooler if the town featured a bunch of...

Desert Oasis: Reframing player perceptions of Pearl Abyss’ MMO Black Desert

Hello and welcome to our revival of the Black Desert column! The Desert Nomad decided it was time to reroll for the new meta, and...

The Daily Grind: What visuals do you wish you could hide in MMOs?

Last week World of Warcraft made some aspiring nudists happy by announcing that it was going to let players hide pretty much every piece...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 213: FFXIV’s first world problems

Justin and Bree discuss FFXIV's controversial reveals, WoW level squish, Albion Online F2P, Glitch, Age of Conan, and Google Stadia, with adventures in Trove, SWG, Starmourn, LOTRO, and Rock Band, and mailbag letter on feeling perpetually behind in MMOs.

The Daily Grind: What are you looking forward to the most in WoW Classic?

After all the PR mishaps and layoffs Blizzard's had since last fall's BlizzCon, I wouldn't have been too surprised to see the company delay...