xbox one

No, it's still not.

Destiny 2 acknowledges ‘betrayal’ over XP adjustments and studio silence

While stopping short of an actual apology in this week's Destiny 2 state of the game post, Bungie acknowledged that players have been greatly...

Elder Scrolls Online is kicking off a free-play event on PC, PS4, and Mac starting tomorrow

Earlier this week, ZeniMax announced a new dungeon event for The Elder Scrolls Online with pretty nifty cash-shop related giveaways for everyone who queues...

Skyforge is out for the Xbox One

Who says that Sony fans get all of the good exclusives for this particular console generation? After all, you can now play a god...

Slay-to-win: Massively OP’s hands-on with the Dauntless closed beta

The end of September marked a major milestone for Dauntless, the upcoming monster-slaying action-MMORPG from indie developer Phoenix Labs, as it officially concluded its...

Perfect Ten: The biggest MMO stories of 2017

One thing you can say for the MMO industry: It never ceases to surprise all of us. No matter what predictions we may make...
feelin' fine!

Destiny 2 stream is canceled in the wake of player rage as a free trial surfaces

So, let's recap the Destiny 2 saga. First, there was a leveling scaling problem wherein players discovered that the game was now slowing leveling...

Elder Scrolls Online kicks off LFG dungeon event with huge cash-shop prizes this week

The Elder Scrolls Online's #10MillionStories promotion keeps rolling along, and this week, ZeniMax is adding another incentive to getting players in on the fun....

Marvel Heroes: Former dev says Disney’s not the bad guy, Xbox One grants automatic refunds

Still reeling from the abrupt early sunset of Marvel Heroes yesterday? Same here. If you want a little closure, maybe check out Kinda Funny...

RIP Marvel Heroes

It's gone, gang, and I'm so sorry. Following the disastrous silences and accusations that unfolded over October and November, Marvel announced that it had terminated...

Destiny 2 doubles level XP following last week’s botched event

Remember how Bungie bungled Destiny 2's XP scaling event and had to disable the whole thing after players found that the game was throttling...

The MOP Up: League of Legends doesn’t want to grow up (November 26, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

One Shots: The rat race

At times, I feel like I must be the responsible adult in the MMORPG genre and sit down some of these artists and tell...

Conan Exiles continues work on combat overhaul and Xbox One parity with PC

On Black Friday, Funcom was working - well, it was streaming Conan Exiles, at least, which is sort of like working. The devs sit...

Destiny 2 deactivates scaling system after players discover XP throttling

Internet speeds aren't the only things that are in danger of being throttled, as Destiny 2 players learned this past week. Apparently Bungie was...

Sea of Thieves expands technical alpha pool, talks Xbox One X optimizations

Sea of Thieves is planning to go out with a bang in 2017 as it expands its technical alpha pool for one final, massive...
If I recant this recommendation later, bury me with my money.

MassivelyOP’s 2017 PC hardware gift guide

Since you're reading this, there's a good chance that you own a PC that you at least occasionally use for gaming, and there's an...

The Stream Team: Thankful for headshots in Warframe

What is Massively OP's MJ thankful for in Warframe? Headshots! No, really. Besides being thankful for the game itself, she is particularly thankful for...

Massively OP’s guide to MMO Thanksgiving 2017

Stately resting between the gaudy purple and orange of Halloween and merry red and green of Christmas is the earth tone-saturated Thanksgiving. While no...
What can I say except ''you're welcome''

Perfect Ten: MMO things to be thankful about this year

It's kind of hard to be thankful this year. Sure, some good things have happened this year, but we also have some things that,...
Oh well.

Watch Destiny 2’s Curse of Osiris dev stream here at 2 p.m. EST

Some MMO studios waste entire Fridays streaming about their upcoming patches, but not Bungie: Bungie's wasting two whole days on Destiny 2's Curse of...