xbox one

Interview: Everything we know about Elder Scrolls Online’s player housing

The Elder Scrolls Online plans to release its next big update in February 2017. No solid date has been revealed, but we do have a name...
Yes, I slightly broke tradition here, but it was a tradition established by one column only.

Epic MMO Battles of History: Star Trek Online vs. Star Wars: The Old Republic

Asking whether Star Trek or Star Wars is the better science fiction series is like asking whether Game of Thrones or The Tudors is...
Merry Something.

The Dawning arrives in Destiny on December 13

The spirit of the holidays can mean many different things to many different people. To some people, it's all about togetherness. For others, it's...

Elder Scrolls teases big weekend sale with fresh One Tamriel trailer

Bethsoft released a brand-new trailer for The Elder Scrolls Online last night at The Game Awards, this one talking up One Tamriel's launch and...

Warframe’s War Within is coming to consoles this month

It's easy to imagine that Warframe's console crowd has to be downright antsy over the wait to play The War Within as weeks go...
Yes, yes it is.

Perfect Ten: The biggest MMORPG stories of 2016

As we start to come to grips with the fact that we will be turning over the calendar into 2017 in one short month,...
Not so bad, eh?

Choose My Adventure: My first week in the Elder Scrolls Online

Despite the fact that for this round of Choose My Adventure, I am jumping into The Elder Scrolls Online in an era of doing whatever...

Elder Scrolls Online rolls out lockboxes this week

I'm sure you're as tired of hearing about lockboxes as we are of writing about them, but here we are and it's still happening....

The Crew rolls out ‘police-chase fantasy’ expansion Calling All Units

Happy expansion day, The Crew! Ubisoft is rolling out Calling All Units today, marking the driving MMO's second major expansion and landing on all...
Not becoming poles, that's a different sort of polish.

Gigantic’s big beta weekend before open beta starts December 8

Did a peek at Gigantic get you interested in trying the upcoming free-to-play MOBA out? This weekend you can! Get in on the closed...

Conan Exiles answers questions about its upcoming early access launch

With Conan Exiles' early access launch just around the corner, you can better believe that the community has a mountain of questions about the...

One Shots: A horse and his old boy

As much as I admire the world that J.R.R. Tolkien built and his insane attention to detail, language, and extensive back histories of completely...

PWE is running big sales for Star Trek Online, Neverwinter, Livelock, and more

For those of you folks who you somehow have money still burning a whole in your pocket at noon on Black Friday, here comes one...

Massively OP’s guide to MMO Thanksgiving 2016

As you're gobble, gobbling up food today, rooting for your favorite football team, and enduring the uncomfortable political conversations at the dinner table, you...

Three-year-old Warframe broke its concurrency record after The War Within

GIbiz has an interview out with Digital Extremes VP of Publishing Meridith Braun today, who sheds light on how Warframe is doing. It turns...
I don't choose spiders.

Choose My Adventure: Getting ready for The Elder Scrolls Online

The votes have been tallied and the verdict is in; the next month of the column will be all about The Elder Scrolls Online....

Sea of Thieves is recruiting ‘insider’ pirates

Even pirates have a pecking order, and Sea of Thieves is going to create its own by starting up an Insider Program for select...
And this is why that's not a blobby mess!

Conan Exiles announces January 31 early access launch with new trailer

Back in June, Funcom announced a big delay of Conan Exiles' early access launch plan, from September 13th to a vague January 2017. Today,...

Elder Scrolls Online offers Xbox One free-play through Thanksgiving weekend

Did you miss The Elder Scrolls Online's PC/PS4 free-play event last weekend? Great news: There's another one this weekend -- but only on Xbox One...
Stop, woman, no crying.

The Division’s crying woman is no longer crying… or present

Before patch 1.4, The Division featured a crying woman in the Grindhouse. Why was she crying? Nobody knows, but considering that the game is...