Albion Online has kicked off early headstart for its new European server – no more wipes


There was a bit of a hiccup in getting it off the ground this morning, but it’s here now: Albion Online’s Albion Europe server has officially entered its first phase of early access – yes, there are several phases, just as there were several phases of beta before this. Today is the big one, however, as the European server has reached its no-wipe state, meaning that the gamers who ponied up for the top founder packs are off and running in this clean-slate world.

Specifically, crystal and gold founders are in today, followed by silver founders on April 26th, bronze founders on April 28th, and then everyone for the formal free-to-play launch on April 29th next week.

Worth noting is that Sandbox Interactive says it’s taken “a couple of precautionary measures” for this launch, including seeded items on the market (like mules, carrots, and crystal shards) and GM-run crafting plots in royal cities to make sure the sandbox has a few toys in it when you start.

“First of all, we will adjust the world size at the start to match the pace of the players moving into the world. Secondly, territory prime times for Albion Europe will be different from those on Albion Americas to focus more on the time zones of the players living in the European and MENA regions. We anticipate Albion Europe to grow over time, just as Albion Asia did after it got it’s own server. In short, the world will start off a bit smaller than it currently is on Albion Americas and Asia to ensure enough player density for a good PvP experience. This affects mostly the Outlands (Black Zone) and the Roads of Avalon, where some of the Zones will be covered in a thick fog that will not let you pass into them. We are planning on opening up more of the world after 8 days.”

There’s a brand-new trailer tucked below.

Source: Official site

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