Sometimes there are stories that come across our desk and elicit an immediate response of, “What is this I don’t even.” This is one of them.
Apparently the bosses at Dungeon Fighter Online became concerned about someone named Jerry who has been gaining weight thanks to long hours. (It isn’t clear whether Jerry was a player or an employee, but we assume he’s a dev.) As motivation for Jerry to lose weight and have the community root for his success, DFO has promised everyone on Facebook that if Jerry loses 66 pounds by November, the game will offer a cash shop discount (based on pounds lost) and all players will get a “great, wonderful, and fantastic mystery item.”
“You will see his slim body after all this!” Dungeon Fighter Online promised. “So, let’s watch the scale and cheer him up!”
Just a thought, but posting Jerry’s “before shots” for all to see might not be the most cheer-inducing move for him. Just a thought.