Am I excited, with some reservations, about World of Warcraft‘s next expansion? You bet. Am I happy to be involved with the testing? Yes. And also no, because I don’t want to be bored with the expansion before it’s actually out. The last thing I want is to go ahead and go whole hog on a title when I know that I’m still not actually making any “real” progress on the live servers… even at the same time that my job kind of necessitates some knowledge of the test, since that’s the only thing to talk about with regards to the game at times.
This is hardly the first time I’ve been in that situation, of course; beta tests for City of Heroes expansions, Star Wars: The Old Republic, and Skyforge all threatened to dull my interest in the full product if I overindulged. As frustrating as it could be, I kind of appreciated Final Fantasy XIV‘s very limited beta that prevented me from seeing much of the game until it was actually sticking around for an extended period. But what about you, dear readers? Are you reluctant to test games you know you want to play on launch? What about patches and/or expansions? And whether or not you fear being bored by launch, has it ever happened?