How do you feel about opening lockboxes? Is there anything MMO devs can do to make you feel less like you just emptied your wallet into a digital trashcan?
BioWare thinks it can help you with that problem in Star Wars: The Old Republic via a new feature that will “enhance the pack opening experience for all packs” by improving the “visual experience of opening packs” and expediting the whole process. I mean, if you’re going to upend your purse over a dumpster, let’s get it over with as fast as possible so you don’t have to watch on in horror!
SWTOR really is getting a new pack viewer in GU 4.7 that’ll round up all your chance cube and event packs into a handy UI panel. You can then pull the slot machine lever press a simple button to open one pack at a time or burn through them all at once, and all the stuff will spew out and land in your new account-wide item stash UI.
“You want to go home and rethink your life.”