Today we finally learned what’s powering the ArcheAge fresh start servers.
Senior Community Manager Seraphina “Celestrata” Brennan updated the ArcheAge community Christmas morning with a status update (“teams continue to work, especially on increasing server capacity and ensuring that the login server remains stable”) and a heads-up about the downtime today.
But the bigger news is the compensation plan Trion has in store for players affected by the wreckage of Revelation. Gamers who log into the official site with their ArcheAge accounts and who had logged in between December 10 and 22 will be granted 50 warrior’s medals, 50 merit badges, 1 login badge, plus extras depending on whether they’re fresh start or legacy players; specifically, legacy players are getting an iron eviscerator mount and armor, while fresh start players are getting a slightly more cuddly white reindeer mount and armor. Existing Patrons will pick up another 15 days of Patron status.