A funny thread on the MMORPG subreddit last week reminded me that gaming slang is anything but obvious.
“I just now realized that OOM means Out Of Mana,” wrote Redditor Pigmyz, “And I’ve been playing MMORPGs for 6 years.” That led to a long thread about other gaming terms people had misunderstood through the ages.
My first year working for the site way back when, a writer submitted a piece to me for review, and I said “gtg,” since that’s what I was used to saying for “good to go” in MMO groups. The writer said, “No wait, proof my piece first!” thinking I’d meant “got to go.” Last time I used that one!
How about you? Is there any MMORPG slang that you just do not get, or that you only figured out after a long period of confusion?