There’s no doubt that it has to be difficult for the Camelot Unchained team to continue to ask for patience week after week when all the players simply want to hear the words “beta!” While the game is not quite there yet, Mark Jacobs reports that the team is seeing a “light at the end of the tunnel” in regard to its efforts.
This week’s update letter once again rolls through 10 or so projects that the team is working on, including manual aiming, weapon animations, additional polearm designs, and the banes and boons system. There has also been work on armor models to make them look more weathered and used instead of impossibly shiny.
“I know it has been a longer road than we expected, but the good news is that not only have we stuck to our principles (openness, integrity, not treating our customers as an ongoing cash shop), but now we can show the kind of progress that so many of you have so patiently waited for,” Jacobs said. “Whether it is the engine, the game, or even the office in Seattle (I hope to sign a lease when I’m out there this week), we continue the march to Beta 1.”