I’m quite fond of 20XX, but I really hate the upgrades you can pick up in the game that eliminate hit stun. Sure, it means you don’t get knocked back by things, but it also means you can easily overlook when you’re taking damage until you explode. I consider that slightly less than a desirable outcome, you know?
MMOs, in general, do not have the same sort of combat feedback as platformers, but they can have similar problems. One of the problems I found in early versions of The Elder Scrolls Online was combat feeling floaty and devoid of impact, making it hard to tell if my attacks were actually making a difference. (That’s no longer the case, I should note.) Similarly, I’ve always found Final Fantasy XI with its slow pace to give you a pretty clear picture of whether or not your attacks are landing and doing something; the answer might be “no,” but at least you have an answer.
Of course, there are lots of different games with many different combat styles; TERA has excellent feedback about whether you’re doing well in combat, with everything feeling like it has a solid impact, but the similarly designed WildStar sometimes feels devoid of a strong sense of impact. So let’s turn the question over to you. Which MMOs have the best combat feedback? Which games are great about making you feel like you’re hitting something and causing an impact, and which ones leave you unsure?