Last week, Blizzard Watch published a post discussing the problem with grinding — but maybe not the problem you’re thinking. Matt Rossi explained that he had returned to World of Warcraft, or tried to, anyway, but felt overwhelmed by the amount of catch-up required in the grind department, from rep grinds to artifact knowledge. Blizzard is pretty good about helping returnees get caught up on experience, but not so much on the rest — and the experience is the fun part!
And boy do I know this feeling. There are so freaking many MMORPGs I enjoyed once, but going back… well, there’d be the compelling part of re-absorbing all the game knowledge, but that enjoyment would be totally wrecked at the realization that the economy, cosmetics, and meta had long since passed me by, never mind the grind itself. I’ve found that those are the kinds of MMOs I just don’t go back to.
How about you? Is there an MMORPG you find too daunting to return to?