Steam bans 40K cheaters in a single day and plans user interface ‘refresh’


The commandment has come down from the Steam mountain that thou shalt not cheat. As you picture Gabe Newell etching Valve’s TOS on rock tablets, know that this is not one rule to take lightly.

Last week, Steam ended up banning over 40,000 cheaters over the course of a day thanks to its anti-cheating software. The huge leap in bans was in part due to the Steam summer sale, which brought out temporary accounts in large numbers of players trying to circumvent game rules.

For those remaining, Valve has big plans in store for the platform’s user interface. A “refresh and update” is coming at some unknown date, bringing with it an overhaul to how the games library functions. Once the update hits, users will be able to jump quickly into recently played titles and enjoy more informative and better designed game pages.

“A small group of people from valve are not the ones dictating which games show up to all customers because we don’t think that’s the way to serve all customers,” said Alden Krol at Unite Europe this week. “So the approach we’re taking is to give customers the tools they need to be able to customize and personalize their store.”

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