With Lord of the Rings Online: Mordor releasing tomorrow, Middle-earth fans have a few scant hours to prepare themselves for this momentous occasion. To help with the preparations are the full patch notes of the expansion, laid out for all to see.
Mordor (also known as Update 21) will add five regions of the eponymous country, the new High Elf race, an additional book of the epic story, a level cap increase to 115, the allegiance system, new audio log journals, and three more class trait points. There will also be tons of new quests and deeds, but that comes with the territory (so to speak).
The team indicated that this expansion is only the beginning of the future of the game: “We begin a new story in Update 21 that will continue in future updates. Travel beyond the Black Gate, seek treasure and conquest, and discover what happens when the Free People enter a land of evil and corruption.”