I was joking around with one of my friends in Final Fantasy XIV the other day as she mentioned that she didn’t think she had it in her to go through the MSQ a third time. We shared a chuckle about that, since at the time I was on my seventh character to bring through the Heavensward MSQ; all of my characters had already gotten through the base questline and the subsequent patch quests, and this character was the last one I needed to bring through the first expansion’s storyline.
This seems like it should be some sort of accomplishment, even though it’s not really commendable. It’s like getting a member of every race in World of Warcraft to the level cap; time-consuming and not easy, but also not something that is actually an achievement so much as a personal mark of accomplishment. A self-created project, in short. So what about you, readers? What somewhat pointless accomplishments are you proud to cite when it comes to MMOs? Having played since beta? Leveling things on a lot of alts? Crafting every item in a crafting profession?